This morning we called Pelosi’s DC office and spoke to Matt who confirmed that the story is, sadly, an “Internet fabrication.” As far as Pelosi is concerned, he added, impeachment is now, has always been and will thus remain “off the table.” Period. End of discussion.
So, no matter Pelosi’s sworn duty to uphold and protect the Constitution… no matter her position as a Representative of the people – a majority of whom want to see Bush and Cheney held accountable for committing high crimes and misdemeanors – no matter that she is supposed to be a leader of the (supposedly) opposition Party – Nancy refuses to budge.
As women (lesbians to boot) we were thrilled when Pelosi was named 1st ever woman Speaker of the House. We had great hopes that she would have the courage to stand up to Bush Co. Now we see that she is just one more ineffectual and weak Bush/Cheney partner in crime.
Although we understand the likely futility of the letter writing campaign, we stand by our decision to TRY to appeal to Pelosi. We will go ahead and send our letters, and we will heed the advice of creative folks who commented on our original article. They suggest that we:
- Give envelopes and stamps to family, friends and neighbors and ask them to write their own letter;
- Photocopy or scan the letters and email or fax them to 800-891-8189 and we will cross-post them on (domain name purchased today -- website will be up later this evening).
At the same time let’s put some energy into defeating Pelosi and all of the spineless DNC-style Dems in 2008.
A few months ago Cindy Sheehan said she would run for Pelosi’s Congressional seat in San Francisco and unlike Nancy’s Republican challenger, Sheehan has a slight chance of defeating her.
Even if Pelosi wins, she MUST be reminded that her job security depends on her loyalty to the America people and the Constitution -- NOT to Bush and Cheney!