The family I grew up with will be on the other side of the border. That's okay. I didn't run away from them and it won't be that far. We'll all get used to it.
It'll take time to stop cringing from injustices and philosophies that only take circumstance into account. Oil, greed and poverty. We won't be completely immune to such a comradery, but it's a step away. Perhaps, two.
I'm looking forward to not having to deal with "No Child Left Behind", the accompanying broken promises, flawed logic, overworked children on someone else's behalf, and the lack of control given to the people who actually work in the school system. This isn't to say that Canada's school system is perfect. But "No Child Left Behind" is among the causes of frustration that led me to home school my children most of this past school year. I only recently discovered it was legal to do that in New York without in-state credentials. The law had changed.
We'll be in a neighborhood that provides for growing people to be physically and environmentally active. Also encouraging are programs that appear to be at work in Canada for developing reliability on renewable resources. And we're looking forward to Toronto's rural and urban neighborhoods providing the items we'll need for resettlement as our starting contribution to the Canadian economy. It's so much better than building bombs.
Something I hope I can look forward to is the right to and comfort in voting again. Honestly, who really likes staying home on voting day? Such failure that refuses to be rebuilt or even mended, with economic and societal weaknesses inherent where minorities are concerned, begs the possibility that it can't help but be better up north. They even responded to the problem in the Ukraine.
I've heard and read about Americans who have moved to Canada and feel free. It tells me that proximity of this type and Canada's relationship with the U.S. may not be nearly as toxic as many fear. It seems that the nation...the people of Canada have a strength that is not given the credit from south of the border that it deserves.
True. You have to have faith and can't assume all the rights and wrongs. But our research has encompassed the internet, the personal, the mainstream workplace and historical trends. There may be some Canadians who don't greet us with open arms, but many already have. Our intent is to be worthy contributors to the region that we hope will become our adoptive country.