Let Me Tell You A Sojourn-An Epic Story
In a recent discussion we had a fellow, who has lived in Russia most of his life and immigrated here to America, There he experirienced Socialism, and so came here to find out what we had that he did not in Russia.
The Transition, from Purity to impurity
In a recent discussion we had a fellow, who has lived in Russia most of his life and immigrated here to America, There he experirienced Socialism, and so came here to find out what we had that he did not in Russia
We have many entrepreneurs here, like me, who did well in business, but deplored what we would have to stoop to in order to make the next selfish step to dynastic wealth, and slowly came to comprehend that dynastic wealth because of the means needed to attain it, was not a good thing, but for the one making the wealth.
Like him, I began seeking something more pure, something lacking incivility, avarice, brutality and envy.
I sold my businesses and moved to academia to seek truth. When I was a student, they seemed to be among the smartest people I'd ever met. Over the ensuing years, things had changed. They resented a person who came to academia with wealth. People were no different there; most of them were not even close to the smartest people on the planet. In an effort for singular careerism, a board member framed a good college president, to get his job. I was on the senate and passed an amendment to the Constitution making it anathema for a board member to become president within 10 years of his having served on the board-now he hated me.
In his wake came a carpetbagger president and he made it a point to hire some people which often seemed to me, the most sycophantic, cowardly, and narrowly educated faculty ever seen at a major institution, the intellectually inferior faculty members sucked up quickly. He paid them far more than they could have earned doing anything else, so they obeyed his every wish. I heard stories from talkative staff and some administrators, which claimed that they used the institution as a toy and he became wealthy, or so he told a staff member. Supposedly, after having a few drinks one afternoon, he showed an administrator his strong box stuffed with cash. Others who heard the story asked, was this cash, which was not in a bank account, over $1,000,000, the administrator claimed, gleaned from No-bid contractors. Or was the administrator, who had also been drinking, exaggerating, bragging or lying? One can only wonder.
Most of the new and inept faculty became the new wave of administrators there. Dumb, hubristic, and cowardly, they were easy to defeat and deflate, by those with guts, which were few.
Intellectually, many of them appeared to be the least of the least. Personality wise, they were a faculty version of GW Bush, Nazi's to the core and not the sharpest blades in the cutlery drawer-dull and soft as rubber. He gathered to himself the most mediocre of the mediocre. They were Hitlerian, Cowards, Like GW Bush/Cheney, always are. In a one-on-one against any two of us, they would piss their pants even while cheating to win-they are nothing on their own but slobs, pigs, the worst of the worst. However, they are far in the majority. Why? Because there are always more of the mediocre then the excellent, in intellect as well as morality (Oh, and sorry, I do not, nor does Jesus, the God, or the Prophets, of any major religion, when properly translated, hold human sexuality as any where near a major issue). Weak and prissy, they were as mean-spirited and they were intellectually and morally deficient, in my opinion, and that of some others.
I freely admit, that after divorce fromn a marriage which starved my sexuality, I became a lover of serial polygamous dating. Despite that, I felt no less close to God. (See as one of the numerous examples of a prophet's feeling about human sexuality within the bounds of mitigation, John 4:4-42, in the New Testament).
The college became a hotbed of No-Bid contracting, fanning a quick suspician and study of corruption among some. This President would brook no dissidents, so I, an entrepreneur, used my own funds to be the Major dissident of the college, winning 9 grievances in four years, 90% of the grievances filed and followed through to fruition in the college's history. The only other one filed aside form mine, went to court and was won by a female faculty member, whom I did not like, but freely advised on strategies.
My vision of Nirvana among the academically elite was shattered. They were now greasy, fatback and sausage gravy, on gummy, mush-faked, buttermilk biscuits, day-old donuts, and Mogen David wine, in a kitchen that once served Prime Rib, Tenderloin and Porterhouse steak, Lobster, Prosciuto/Ricotta stuffed Ravioli D'Bagnolo, over Braciole' DeParma, with Mum's Brut and Key lime pie, teased with, Vanilla tinged, whipped crème.
A friend became a priest for the same reasons. He came from a wealthy family, with a strong family business, but he wanted to become a priest-a Dominican, like those who taught us at the Number One Prep school in America at the time. He was happy. I never heard from him again. 20 years later I heard he had left, married, started a family and was happy again. His dream had been broken trying to follow what the church told him was the way of Jesus-it wasn't.
In short, there is no heaven here, there are only carpetbaggers, and cowardly gunslingers, which are going to come home and use the intellectuals, the ones with a conscience, for, target practice.
There is no limited Capitalism, no heavenly socialism, no middle ground of inspired Communism, or communal capitalism, or a benign monarchy, or any other earthly form of government, king, president, or oligarchial structure that is the perfect format. Only Wo/men can make any governmental structure work. We have to grow better people-yes, I said BETTER people. One of the parents needs to stay at home and raise children, and teach them, by example, altruism, and selflessness.
Professor Bagnolo has majored in: Cultural Anthropology, Architectural design, painting, creative writing. As a child prodigy, abed with polio for almost two years, he was offered an opportunity to skip three grades at age 8.
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