Now, my friends and I have been out there on that street corner for 20 months straight, once a week, in protest of this administration, its policies and its war on Iraq. I could easily take Mr. Kerry, and most mainstream Democrats, to task for their " Johnny come lately " strategy. I could rightly state that Kerry is three years and 2300 plus American deaths too late. I could further state that if indeed Mr. Kerry had made Saturday's speech in July of ' 04, at the Democratic convention, he would now be speaking as " President Kerry ", not Senator Kerry.
What would my saying that do to stop this madness coming from the crew occupying the White House? How would it change things ? How would it stop this illegal and immoral disgrace in Iraq, and bring fiscal sanity to our economy? How would it bring to light ( and to court ) the crimes committed by certain of our leaders and their underlings? No, what Kerry's speech can and will do, is shake up those who drive by our group each week honking in support. It may just get those who have spent three years " venting " their disgust to drive over, park and join us on that street corner. Our protest has never been sponsored ( or encouraged) by the Democratic Party. Alas, " hope springs eternal " and we accept all comers on that corner. Forgive and forget and stand together!
Philip A Farruggio
Port Orange ProActivists