How does our present system enable the few to decide for the many, you ask? By allowing a VERY few state elections to unduly influence the ability of equal citizens in OTHER states to have any say AT ALL, in whom they will have an opportunity to vote for! Presently the MAJORITY of voters in America are being disenfranchised by our skewed system!
You might think that, being a Ron Paul supporter, I would be happy that the field of candidates for president has been drastically narrowing this early in the primary game (even before the so-called "Super Tuesday"!), because it leaves fewer opponents of Ron Paul remaining in the lineup. While I am happy for the reduced field, I am NOT happy about what the rapid reduction—LONG before my state, and many others, have even had a chance to weigh in on the choices—says about our election process. The fact that so many have dropped out, based solely upon the decisions of a VERY FEW VOTERS, gives THOSE VOTERS a super-voter status, and it discriminates unjustly against the voters in MANY remaining states who, given the chance, might have chosen very differently.
Is it truly democratic to elect our leaders based upon privileged isolation voters, whose over-weighted decisions prematurely drive out many valid candidates, thus preventing the majority from having any say about THOSE candidates? I think NOT! It is no more fair than when media outlets discriminate prematurely (at ANY step in the process) against ANY candidate who happens to show poorly at one time or in one particular region. The net effect of both of these inequities is that equal justice under law—election law—is subverted. Some citizens—the majority, in fact—are effectively DENIED AN EQUAL VOTE with a very few other unlawfully powerful citizens (and in the case of media outlets, even NON-citizens, such as Rupert Murdoch).
I also strongly urge Ron Paul and ALL OF THE REMAINING CANDIDATES not to even consider dropping out of seeking their party's nomination, until EVERY STATE GETS AN OPPORTUNITY TO BE FULLY COUNTED AND ENFRANCHISED! It's only fair! Of course it will matter little to me on a PERSONAL basis, since I'm voting Ron Paul NO MATTER WHAT, but so many others fatally look about them to see what OTHERS are doing, rather than voting truly conscientiously. These weaker-willed follower voters are unduly influenced by the present undemocratic system, and they are too easily herded about by the king-like power brokers in the shadows of de-MOCKERY-cy.