Sectarian violence continues and countless Iraqis are dead, their country in chaos. The training that our soldiers have provided the Iraqi troops has given them the skills they need to turn against Americans and other members of the coalition.
Now, we see or read Colin Powell's recent protestations""his occasional attempts at redemption which are mere tidbits he drops as if he's just discovered his conscience when all these pieces essentially are too little too late. What we needed from Powell we should have gotten four years ago or earlier when Bush had that bug up his butt to go to war. That's when the timing was right for Colin to have said more than "you break it, you own it" to the Brat-in-Chief. Powell would do well to skulk off deeper down the road of mediocrity since he is part of the parcel responsible for all the deaths and pain instead of telling us things we already know. Let him think he's off the hook but let's not give him a-get-outta-jail-card since he, along with the other masters of war, must eventually be held accountable for so many crimes against humanity.
Meanwhile, Bush digs the Republican Party's grave when he refuses to set a timetable for withdrawal, because more and more people are demanding immediate removal of our troops. "We will not step down until the Iraqis step up" is one of George's stale, repetitions, written by his speechwriter.
Transfer. Hmm"could we do that? I mean, really, could we? Transfer the power of this country to the wisdom and control of people for peace, people who would remove money from the Military Industrial Complex and use it for education, health care, security, Medicare, Social Security, programs for the poor, natural disasters, environmental protections, and humanitarian efforts. Before it's too late.