Has it ever for a microsecond occurred to Bush that he should feel a sliver of responsibility for the violence? Has he forgotten that he was warned by many world leaders that an invasion of Iraq would upset the entire Middle East? Of course not. When he's right, he's right. If he's wrong, why, certainly, he'd fess up. But he's never been wrong. Not about WMD, mushroom clouds, mistaking Saddam for Osama, insufficient body armor, Joe Wilson and Valerie Plame, knowing Abramoff, response to natural disasters, Cheney's playing with firearms, yada, yada, yada.
But what's really striking is that this latest proclamation regarding the Iraqi choice could and should be said about our own option here at home. Under George, we have chaos. My family has a particular kind. It's caused by loss and grief. Bush has brought suffering to 2,296 families who've heard the words: "We regret to inform you." And let's never forget our maimed. We occasionally see some of them on television, thanks to MSNBC's Imus, who encourages viewers to donate money to a rehabilitation facility for the war injured. Most of the mainstream media guys and dolls give little airtime to this national heartbreak.
I'm sooooo tired of waiting for people to care enough to turn off their favorite escapism television shows and look into the faces of the families who are mourning. Hey, is there anybody out there who's wandered to this site out of curiosity so that I'm not just preaching to the choir? If so, are you interested in learning? Okay, pick up Howard Zinn's A People's History of the United States and become educated about the evils of imperialism. Examine the failure of the Viet Nam War. In fact, read the chapter on Viet Nam and substitute the word 'Iraq.' You may start crying. And understand that the actions of the insurgency in Iraq would be our own if we were invaded and occupied by another country.