We are just now starting to be deluged by the rich begging for our funds. Thats' right... Filthy rich political candidates want our 'harder and harder to come by' money in order to get elected or re-elected and to begin or continue enjoying the privilege of disappearing behind the wall of corporate lobbyists in DC to pretend they are representing us in between votes to raise their own pay and benefits and to syphon funds to their corporate donors.
There are, of course, exceptions. With the majority of Americans favoring impeachment and more and more citizens from all walks of life setting aside their busy lives to desperately scream for the justice that only the Constitutionally-mandated remedy of impeachment can bring, a small handful of our public servants have stepped forward and lived up to their oaths "to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign AND DOMESTIC". Click on the link below and scroll down to see this far-too-short list of U.S. Representatives:
U.S. House of Representatives' Co-Sponsors of H. Res. 333, A Bill Impeaching Richard B. Cheney, Vice President of the United States, for high crimes and misdemeanors
U.S. House of Representatives Co-Sponsors' of H. Res. 589, Directing the Committee on the Judiciary to investigate whether Alberto R. Gonzales, Attorney General of the United States, should be impeached for high crimes and misdemeanors.
Al Franken is asking me for money to support his campaign to become my other Senator in Minnesota alongside freshman fascist enabler Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-MN). Klobuchar was one of the 16 turncoat Democrats who inexplicitly and unforgiveably voted "Yea, yea, yea for the death of the 4th Amendment" on S. 1927 and handed wannabe Emperor Bush my 4th Amendment Rights to take a sh*t on.
Other civil servants such as Senator Russ Feingold (D-WI), who has twice now introduced Censure Resolutions against Bush have taken baby steps in the right direction.
Al Franken is not ready to be one.
Do I want Bush's brownshirt lockstep lickspittle loyalist Norm Coleman to remain my Senator? Of course not. But do I want to replace him with someone who has made no indication that he supports holding the Bush Administration accountable for their crimes and misdemeanors as the Constitution demands?
Thus I will not send a single cent to the Franken campaign and I encourage everyone to return any mailing requests for money from any other waffling and milktoast Democrats both nationally and locally with the statement: "Until you support impeachment, I won't support you" written in thick, dark ink across the donation form.
Al Franken,
I am withholding financial support from any Democratic candidate who does not support investigations leading to impeachment of Gonzales, Cheney and Bush and encouraging everyone else that I can to do the same. To "... support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic" means removing from office those who have proven themselves domestic threats such as these thugs. 54% of Americans support impeachment of Cheney and favor impeachment of Bush 46% - 40% according to THE ONLY IMPEACHMENT POLL conducted in the last 8 months. The percentages among the intelligent and informed Minnesota electorate are surely much higher. If you are not in support of the people's movement to impeach these criminals, you are not the people's candidate. Mikael Rudolph Minneapolis (612) 302-9252 |
While the Republican Party is in shambles, reeling from 6 1/2 years of blind lemming loyalism to this abysmal Administration, the Democratic Party is holding their breath and cowering in the corner hoping that the negative reaction to GOP excesses and crimes will continue to undergird their election hopes.
We can light a fire under the Democratic Party and get them to do our bidding. One of the only ways they will listen is by threatening to cut off their bankroll. By not utilizing this strategy and other strong tactics, we will just wind up with another Republican like Amy Klobuchar wearing a Democratic coat in Congress.