In the midst of myriad Milosevic-as-butcher obituaries, I sat down to pen an essay about the way corporate media outlets demonize official U.S. enemies. But there was nothing new to add.
Much has been made about allegations of our (sic) government spying on its own citizens. This inspired me to put down some thoughts, re: America's long history of domestic spying and similar activities. I didn't get too far because it's nothing new that this is nothing new.
What about the latest round of lies being spread about Iran and Venezeula? Surely there was an article that needed to be written about this cycle of deception...but you don't need me to tell you this.
Prisoner abuse at Abu Ghraib. Human rights violations at Gitmo. Democrats fighting each other to sound more hawkish. The Bush regime sat on its hands before, during, and after Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast. No WMD in Iraq. What could I possibly say about all this that hasn't already been well-documented by far better known and widely respected pundits...over and over and over on this site and thousands of others? Does anyone really need another article?
You did already know all this stuff already, right?
Mickey Z. can be found on the Web at