This email is from a Neo-Convict group called Freedoms Watch and maybe the name of this group should be called Watch Freedoms Disappear. We can expect the same type of horse crap from this group as you saw in 2004 from the Swift Boaters for Truth in the 2004 election.
This group is a Neo-Convict frontal assault on the truth. Here is my latest email from the group with my own comments inserted and highlighted in red.
Dear Michael,
In the six and a half years since September 11, 2001, there has not been a single significant terrorist attack on U.S. soil. How about the constant barrage against the constitution by Bush / Cheney and company?? This is no accident or stroke of luck - it is because the United States government has the necessary resources and is fully committed to protecting American lives. Lawmakers worked together to pass necessary legislation like the Patriot Act and created the Department of Homeland Security. And boy they did a heck of a job in New Orleans. They worked together to update and revise laws to face new threats and challenges, providing our intelligence and law enforcement agencies with the 21st century tools they need to keep us safe from further terrorist attacks.
But despite this bipartisan record and proven success, liberal special interests and the Democratic Congressional leadership are jeopardizing a significant and necessary component of our intelligence gathering capability. Last year, Congress passed the Protect America Act - an update to previously passed FISA legislation that allows the U.S. government to effectively monitor to terrorist communications. And to spy on Americans breaking the law by ignoring the fourth Amendment of the constitution. This legislation was set to expire on February 1st, yet the far-left is blocking reauthorization of this bill, and hampering our efforts to prevent further attacks. By ignoring the Constitution and breaking the law.
The ACLU,, Sen. Harry Reid, Sen. Chris Dodd and others are fighting a provision that provides immunity to telecommunication companies facing multi-billion dollar lawsuits because they assisted law enforcement agencies in defending America following the September 11 attacks. Until the FBI didn’t pay its bill on time then the patriotic SOB’s shut down the lines that are supposed to be so crucial in the war on terror. Stripping immunity from the bill would not make American safer; it would only follow the rule of law that the founders sought to protect our individual rights against an imperial attack on our liberties. provide a financial windfall to trial lawyers. Interestingly, the same trial lawyers that stand to profit from this litigation contribute disproportionately to the liberal lawmakers now working to strip immunity. Sort of like the defense contractors contribute to anyone who will support this illegal war. It's shameful that liberal politicians are attempting to use this critical legislation as an opportunity to reward contributors. Shameful indeed.
Sen. Ron Wyden also introduced an amendment that would require a warrant for any overseas surveillance for intelligence purposes. This ridiculous proposal would seriously hinder intelligence gathering and makes little sense. In fact, if the amendment were to pass, a warrant would be required to target a group planning a terrorist attack, but not a drug cartel in Colombia.
Republicans and Democrats have agreed to a 15-day extension of this vital legislation and hopefully any who vote to grant immunity will get no immunity at the polls this November. after congressional leaders have been stalling this legislation for months. President Bush and conservatives in Congress don't believe that companies should be subject to lawsuits for voluntarily helping protect our country in these critical times Unless you don’t pay the bill on time. and want to prevent liberal lawmakers from using this legislation to reward the trial lawyers - we agree.
I lost my nephew Senior Court Officer Tommy Jurgens on September 11, 2001. He was a first responder who gave his life saving others. I want to prevent another tragedy from occurring to our country because our government lacks the vital tools necessary to stop the terrorists. One of the tools necessary would be a foreign policy that doesn’t create more terrorists than you can kill off.
Call your Senator today and tell them to give our law enforcement and intelligence agencies the tools they need to keep us safe. I think the founders of this great nation had more sense than any Neo-Convict I have ever met and they where diametrically opposed to any violation of privacy with out evidence and a court ordered warrant to spy on Americans
Bradley A. Blakeman
President and CEO
Freedom's Watch
Freedom’s Watch is a “PAC” Political Action Committee dedicated to supporting Neo-Convict ideals such as unnecessary war, war profiteering, and attacking our civil liberties. It is run and supported in part by several former Bushites.
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