Throughout, the danger of a repetition of 9/11 will resound like an alarm as he states that what he is doing is to "keep us safe" and will serve to cause great fear among us of another "attack on the homeland". In fact, if we should fall prey to another disaster, we have experienced the type of reaction we will receive from his adminstration. Of course, he will not mention New Orleans and the rest of the Gulf Coast. The destruction there was even greater than 9/11 in the loss of lives and property, and we now know that the action to recover from that has been less than satisfactory, to say the least.
While the rubble from the World Trade Center was cleared away and shipped overseas in record time with little concern for the health of the workers, the rubble of New Orelans still lies rotting in the streets, along with innumerable dead bodies. We are paying to lease travel trailers, not for the use of the former residents but to house the day laborers, many illegal "immigrants" who have been imported for the purpose of cleaning up the area. Consider this: If the rental on these trailers for one year had been invested in the residents who want to return, each family could have been housed in "double-wide" mobile homes or modular houses, on firm foundations and connected to local utilities. The yards would have been cleaned up by the owners so that they could get back to work, and life would be returning to normal in the Crescent City.
However, it was never intended for this President to be concerned about the welfare of the private citizens, much less the black and poor, the type who were most affected by the hurricanes in the South. His stated goal from the beginning was to seize power for the ultra-right and the multi-national corporations by whatever means necessary. To do that, he has assumed almost dictatorial privileges, holding himself above, not only Congress and the Courts, but the Constitution itself. He "needs" these powers in order to "keep us safe" from the "terr'ists" who "hate us for our freedom". Perhaps he feels that destroying those very freedoms will create a situation that will make those same terrorists love us?
Actually, there is little point in being concerned about what will be said, for we have been there before. It will consist of more lies and alibis and, once it is over, we will realize that it is, in actuality, nothing more than an edited re-run. They will cut out the part about the "mushroom cloud" and the one about "weapons of mass destruction". They will not be able to re-use the clip of "we couldn't have known", because it has been well established that they could have and should have known. The only thing left is that 9/11 happened, it was scarey and, five years later, we should still be hiding under our beds while the valiant King George stands bravely in the door fighting off the rest of the world and peeping through our keyholes to be sure we are "safe".
On second thought, let's all just go to the cable channels and watch a good movie. It will be no more fictional than the speech and much more entertaining. In the words of my big brother, Joe, "It don't matter what he says. He's lyin' anyway."