Kudos must go to MediaMatters.org as they picked up on the comments made by the House Minority Leader John Boehner, “We need to continue our effort here [in Iraq] because, Wolf, long term, the investment that we're making today will be a small price if we're able to stop Al Qaeda here, if we're able to stabilize the Middle East, it's not only going to be a small price for the near future, but think about the future for our kids and their kids."
This was in response to CNN’s, Wolf Blitzer’s question, "How much longer will U.S. taxpayers have to shell out $2 billion a week or $3 billion a week as some now are suggesting the cost is going to endure? The loss in blood, the Americans who are killed every month, how much longer do you think this commitment, this military commitment is going to require?"
By the way according to MediaMatters.org, they (CNN) did not re-air that interview and did not harp on it like the mainstream media did when Senator Kerry botched his joke. But, that is not the point I am getting to.
In my previous piece stating that one million Iraqis have lost their lives and in previous pieces citing the loss of our blood and treasure, I find his choice of words, “small price” unconscionable. All life is precious no matter if it is one of our soldiers or an innocent Iraqi. A family member on both sides who is no longer with them thinks their loss is a small price. I cannot even comprehend how it feels.
I noticed in his answer he uses the word “if” which is an unknown. When you send men and women into war, you do not use that word if. You use the word will. You have already lost the battle and ultimately the war by using the word if. It is as bad as saying, “We think we can defeat the enemy.” I do not think a recruiter would use such terminology in order to fill the ranks. Call it psych-ops if you will. I think that a recruiter would say, “We need you to help defeat the enemy.”
Is he questioning the certainty of victory as many claim in regards to this war by stating, “If we are able to stop al Qaeda here”? It sure sounds like that. Gee, I wonder if any al Qaeda member caught that one. It may just embolden them to see this vote of no confidence in winning the war. Good job, Leader Boehner you most likely became the butt of their jokes which in turn we as a country become the joke. Thanks a lot!
Right now as a result of our illegal invasion into a sovereign country known as Iraq, the country itself along with its incompetent government is unstable. What exactly is he thinking “if we can stabilize the Middle East”? While that statement maybe one of hope, I just do not see it happening and if it does it will be up to those living in that region and not us.
In a column written for The American Conservative, author Jim Pinkerton writes,
“Yet by the same principle, since others have their homelands and their rights, we should leave them alone, as long as they leave us alone. Live and let live. That’s not world-historical, merely practical. For us, after our recent spasm of universalism—the dogmatically narcissistic view that everyone, everywhere wants to be like us—it’s time for a healthy respite, moving toward an each-to-his-own particularism.”
That is the whole kitten-caboodle right there. It is the very essence of how we should be living. That passage should be sent to every elected official in Washington. Not everyone wants or needs to be like us and nor should we put our footprint on other civilizations. In fact, I find an inherent beauty knowing that others are different than us. It makes life more interesting to meet with others and to learn of their culture. If I were to travel to the Middle East whose societies are thousands of years old; do I really want to see a Starbucks on their corners or a McDonalds? No, I would want to take in with all five senses how they live life in order to gain a different perspective. It reminds me of that saying, “When in Rome, do like the Romans”
I have always dreamed of going to Egypt to see the ruins and to fantasize what life would have been like in ancient times. Put a Starbucks or McDonalds there and the fantasy goes poof.
To even think that downtown Baghdad should be like Main Street USA goes against self determination and their right to sovereignty.
Should we even be so bold as to think we need to make the Middle East stable when our own country is falling by the wayside? I point to again the devastation of Katrina, the floods in the Midwest, devastating tornados, bridges falling down, an electrical grid in need of repair and we think we have to fix the Middle East.
The billions that Wolf Blitzer spoke of could be best used to fix from within instead of trying to fix from without. To our politicians, bring that money back home since we need it here.
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