The County Executive of Suffolk County, NY, Steve Levy continues to make the national news as one reads this transcript from 'Lou Dobbs Tonight' for standing on the side of the citizens of this county. Isn’t that precisely the reason why we elect these officials in the first place?
He has been a longtime opponent of building a hiring hall for illegal aliens within Suffolk County, NY. Basically, he is for the enforcement of our laws barring employers from hiring these illegal aliens which is a bold move considering the fact that many within our senate voted in favor of turning a blind eye to this practice.
As Lou Dobbs continues to report where the federal government has failed in enforcing our immigration laws, local governments are stepping up to the plate and they should not be punished for doing so. I think that our Washington legislators can learn a thing or two on how lead their respective constituencies.
The late and former Speaker of the House, Tip O’Neill once said, “All politics is local” and in this fight, I would say that true leadership is coming from elected officials such as Steve Levy.
With President Bush’s approval ratings basically in the dumpster along with congress whose approval ratings are lower that is not the case with County Executive, Steve Levy who enjoys the overwhelming support of Suffolk County residents.
In this report on ‘Lou Dobbs Tonight’, Bill Tucker reported, “Few politicians are as popular as Suffolk County Executive Steve Levy. Last February, 75 percent of the voters approved of the job he was doing, according to a poll by Strategic Planning. But that was before his fight with the New York State legislature that could cost his county $320 million.” He then went onto report, “Now his approval rating is approaching 80 percent.” As a Suffolk County resident, I also approve of his leadership where Washington, D.C. has shown none.
But, not everyone is happy with Steve Levy’s leadership. I was shocked beyond belief to read the sentiments expressed by Adriano Espaillat, who is a New York Assemblyman and one that does not represent Suffolk County when he said, “Many of us feel -- over 60 members of the legislature which signed onto this resolution -- feel that there is an air of intolerance in Suffolk County, somewhat reminiscent of the Deep South during the civil rights days.” I would like to address this assembly member that this is not an issue of intolerance, but one that requires our elected officials to follow the rule of law.
To compare it to the civil rights protests that took place in the Deep South is disingenuous at best. This is about protecting our jobs here at home. If we are speaking of civil rights; what about the rights of every single American to have their jobs protected by our government?
If there is a hiring hall that many feel the community will support it would be where American citizens who have recently lost their jobs, have given up all together in finding good paying jobs to feed their families can be matched up with employers looking for job applicants.
In past pieces I have often spoke of citizen activism and if you feel this government has been inept in helping Americans get back to work, it is up to you. As you hire landscapers, it is up to you to ask; are all those employed by your company citizens of this country or at least legal residents? The same goes for construction and other businesses that depend on this illegal work force. While the cost of using said companies may be higher; isn’t helping your fellow Americans more important that rewarding the breaking of our laws?
It should anger everyone reading this where Bill Tucker reported, “The federal government won't enforce immigration law and now the New York State legislature wants the law ignored.” Those of us in New York State should never vote for any elected official that will ignore our laws. This is where both citizens of Suffolk County, NY as well as citizens across this nation must hold our elected officials accountable. Any political action committee that would seek to place pressure on any of these officials to ignore our laws should be condemned and outright ignored.
County Executive, Steve Levy commented, “We're simply enforcing the law. And it's the first time I've ever seen state legislators ban together to try to punish and demonize elected officials on a local level for simply trying to enforce the law.” Not only are these state law makers seeking to punish elected officials, they are seeking to punish the citizens of this county and that is inexcusable. Living in Suffolk County, it burns me that law makers would do irreparable harm to the citizens of this county. They must remember, ‘we the people’ elected you and not illegal aliens.
Often politics and the issues that surround it will divide us as a nation. But due to this issue, Tucker reported, “enforcing the law has helped Levy, who has the endorsement of both the Republican and the Democrat Parties in his bid for re-election.” It makes me wonder where the leadership in Washington, D.C. is, especially when my own senators, Senator Chuck Schumer and Senator Hillary Clinton voted in favor of ignoring our laws and rewarding law breakers.
As a constituent of both Schumer and Clinton, I would like to ask them if they too favor this punishment being launched in Albany, NY. Would both care to comment that withholding $320 million dollars in tax revenue to Suffolk County is right? In my opinion, Steve Levy leads where both Clinton and Schumer capitulated to these political action committees. Senator Clinton at present is seeking the highest office in this land. As president it means following the rule of law. In voting in favor of this ‘Grand Compromise’ bill on illegal immigration, she was choosing the opposite. The same can be said of any other senator who voted for in favor of this bill that is also running for president. The senators I speak of are McCain, Dodd, Obama, and Biden.
Again, in addressing citizen activism and to close this piece, if you live in Suffolk County, NY or other counties within it, it is up to you to voice your strong opposition to this punishment being exacted by these Albany legislators. Ask them whose side are they on? Let us all fight for our fellow Americans since Washington and Albany has conspired against middle class of this country. To these NY State legislators that is our money and not yours to play party politics.
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