The warming winds of true democracy have been spreading from the tip of Patagonia to the shores of the Rio Grande, traversing all lands in between, with the will of the People trumping the wishes of the Empire. These winds carry within them elections of hope and fury, marked by loud voices and uncompromised ballots, devoid of charades and mirages, lacking Diebold electronic voting machines and corporate media manipulation. In many nations the masses have spoken in symphony, their united desires echoing long suffering frustrations and near-extinct opportunities, their once-silent calls for justice and equality finally given resonance.
The Bolivarian Revolution these warming winds are called, becoming the last vestiges of People Power in the Americas. Rising in hope and hovering above the homes and lives of hundreds of millions of Latin Americans, the warming winds are giving comfort to a new day, making warm once cold societies, their speed gaining momentum, their power altering governments and economic policies, becoming, in the minds of millions in Latin America and billions worldwide, the inspiration for a new world, a new direction for human civilization, an opportunity to escape that which is destroying both planet and human societies.
Inside its borders exists the hope of positive change, of escaping the omnipotent and corrosive claws of American imperialism, with its devastating, unfettered capitalism, destroyer of Earth's environments, exploiter of human flesh and energy, and corrupter of our minds, transforming us into selfish, consumerist, materialist, unthinking, psychologically fragile and unhappy greed mongers bred to pray to our new god, the Almighty Dollar. Inside the lands where the Revolution is spreading hope transcends past transgressions, becoming a movement to benefit all people, regardless of wealth, social class or skin color, using the resources of the land and the talents of the people to empower the nation and the communal aspirations of the citizenry.
A new paradigm shift is occurring in Latin America with the resentment accumulated over decades of government rape, pillage and apathy of the citizenry creating a wave of desired change; the pilferage of their lands and resources, along with the exploitation and enslavement by American corporations has resulted in Revolution peaceful and evolved, with hundreds of millions strong using the ballot over the bayonet, their voices over violence. From the lands of South America a new movement grows, a new Revolution has risen, sweeping across the continent, embracing justice and equality, exterminating exploitation and enslavement.
A transformation of the Americas is upon us, beautiful to behold and admire, its winds of change flowing uninterrupted and powerful, its winds of change flowing from right to left, from American sponsored right-wing puppets to progressive, social democracy, gaining momentum, grasping peoples hopes and dreams, their lives and futures. The voices of the unheard, unwanted and undesirable have been listened to; their will finally allowed to be counted, their votes finally trumping the corruption of the elites and the clandestine manipulations of the Empire.
Like a domino effect each election result in distinct lands inhabited with diverse peoples has sent a resounding thunderbolt of rejection to the imperialistic bully named America, a clear message that its near enslavement and exploitation of both lands of peoples of the south has gone on for far too long. Election after election has demolished colonial proctors and puppets, so-called leaders catering only to their own wallets, that of the nation's white elite and the market colonialist desires of the Empire. Like powerful blows to the midsection, each clear electoral victory has weakened the interests of America in the region, softening up its legions of exploiters and criminals and puppets now impotent to ruin millions of lives.
The power of the People has spoken, its triumph having become a victory for humanity and a strike against market colonialism, now seen as an inspiration for billions and a threat to America. Contrary to the interests of George W. Bush and his corporatist cabal, the region's peoples have shown that, when given a real opportunity for true democracy, they will vote according to their own indigenous interests and not those of neoliberal principles and of market colonialist America. They have shown that it is not the evils of neoliberal and American imposed capitalism which they seek, but rather policies that will make their lives better, giving them meaning, happiness and an opportunity to push forward, past insurmountable barriers purposefully erected to hinder upper mobility and into futures full of promise.
The last few years have demonstrated that if allowed to escape the grip of American manipulation and meddling, democracy in Latin American nations results in the interests of the masses quashing those of the elite few, in elections clean and uncompromised, not those fixed and corrupt, altering the balance of power and giving hope to those tens of millions for decades subjugated by the rich few to the margins of society, relegated to live in shanty towns and shacks, making anywhere from two to eight dollars a day, their lives devoid of futures and opportunity, their existence marginalized and ignored, their children destined to never escape and always live in perpetual purgatory. Now, thanks to democracy true and honorable, there exists the hope, the possibility of a better life to millions upon million of Latin Americans, giving birth to new energy and vitality, new chances at escape from hell on Earth, becoming an opportunity for a better and more fruitful tomorrow.
Today there exist the winds of change, flowing freely from Caracas to Santiago to La Paz, from Argentina to Uruguay to Mexico, traversing mountains and canyons, forests and jungles, toppling puppets and criminals, becoming a power threatening to liberate an entire continent, eviscerating the shackles of labor exploitation and incessant poverty with the hammer of justice and equality, becoming the fire burning inside the hearts and minds of hundreds of millions of Latin Americans whose lives have forever been made destitute of life, energy and wallet both by the corrosive grip of American imperialism and the enslavement and marginalization by the minority white elite.
It has been through the ballot box, through the principle of one person, one vote - that great invention of times past - that today's Bolivarian Revolution can be seen and felt, with little blood spilled on the streets, with little violence impregnating our humanity and with the human condition contained, its many insidious demons refrained from possessing the human animal. The Bolivarian Revolution is an enlightened revolution, an evolved form of human change, growing out of frustration and resentment and anger, yet achieved peacefully and in solidarity, using the power of the vote over that of armed resistance, toppling puppets and Empire's proctors not by violence but through the united voice of the People. In nations where democracy is not yet a charade or a hollow mirage hiding inside the corruption of electronic voting, revolutions of this kind are still possible.
At the dawn of the 21st century the Bolivarian Revolution has been born, altering the landscape of Latin America's tomorrow, growing out of economic deficiency, natural resource pillage, government inefficiency, human exploitation and near enslavement, from the reality of life for hundreds of millions of human beings and from American imperialism, slowly but surely eroding the devastating scorched earth and people policy of American capitalism along with the neoliberal mechanisms that act only to institute market colonialism on the nations of the south, replacing it with a system designed to make better the lives of countless millions through policies paid for by the profits of the nation and the resources of the land, creating a society based on sustainable development and human prosperity, both of happiness and fate.
Having morphed from modern day socialist thought, from the reality of failed neoliberalism, from lessons learned and mistakes recorded, from untarnished democracy, from today's communalism and yesteryear's capitalism, the Bolivarian Revolution has become a beacon of hope to hundreds of millions whose lives and futures have never been allowed to prosper, perhaps replacing America's ever-dimming light as the new oasis of optimism, becoming the new system of governance for the 21st century, one for the People, not the Powerful, for Humans, not Corporations.
This new beacon on a hill will in the next few years and decades change societies and the lives of millions, taking national profits and the wealth of resources and giving them, not to the elite, but to everyone, offering hope to the indigent, opportunity to the talented, a future to the innocent, health to the sick, education to the ignorant, food for the hungry, homes for the homeless, justice to the marginalized, equality to all and increased prosperity to the nation as a whole. Its evolution might one day take humanity on a voyage we never thought possible. This is the Bolivarian Revolution.
The Sorrows of the Americas
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