This past Friday, several dozen Angelenos, organized by the Los Angeles National Impeachment Center (LANIC) under the leadership of LANIC Executive Director Peter Thottam, appeared before the Los Angeles City Council to demand that Los Angeles become the 82nd city in the nation to draft a resolution to impeach George W. Bush and Dick Cheney.  www.bcimpeach.comÂ
Supporting these un-elected everyday patriots in their quest to save their nation was Progressive Democratic Councilmember, Bill Rosendahl, who promises to introduce an impeachment resolution in the Council as soon as one of his fellow Councilmembers agrees to be a co-sponsor.Â
Now how pathetic is that!
Considering the damage George W. Bush and Dick Cheney have done to the United States with their egregious violations of the Constitution, it is unfathomable that patriotic Councilman Rosendahl doesn't have unanimous Council approval RIGHT NOW to impeach George Bush and Dick Cheney. One would think any elected official who honors the Constitution would proudly join Councilman Rosendahl to hold the Executive Branch of this nation accountable for its blatant abuse of power. Â
Unfortunately, the cowardice and abrogation of responsibility at the national level in Washington, DC, as demonstrated by Congress' failure to execute articles of impeachment against George W. Bush and Dick Cheney, has set a precedent for dereliction that seeps down through the ranks of government to contaminate state, city and local officials. Â
Spinelessness at the top inspires spinelessness at the bottom.Â
At the federal level, Democratic Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi displays disdain for the Constitution by publicly disavowing it. Mrs. Pelosi declines to honor Article 1 Section 2 of the Constitution which authorizes the House to initiate articles of impeachment against any President believed to have committed high crimes and misdemeanors. According to attorney and former New York Congresswoman Elizabeth Holtzman, co-author of "The Impeachment of George W. Bush," high crimes and misdemeanors are interpreted as abuses of power. Â
Recognizing how George W. Bush and Dick Cheney abused their power by illegally wiretapping American citizens, imprisoning American citizens and denying them access to legal representation, lying our nation into war, authorizing torture, and myriad other abuses, it is astonishing to anyone who has ever read the Constitution that every elected government official isn't rushing to hold Bush and Cheney accountable for their crimes.  Any elected official who is not voting to impeach George W. Bush and Dick Cheney is either unfamiliar with the Constitution or purposely forsaking it. Either situation, be it willful ignorance or willful defiance, renders them unsuitable for office.
Time and again un-elected patriots march and rally across America and visit the offices of federal, state, city and local legislators to implore them to protect this nation from the clear and present danger of the unitary executive. Time and again the un-elected patriots of this nation display a love of country and a commitment to its laws above and beyond those who have lied their way into office.
And yes, they HAVE lied! Â
At every level of government the oath of elected office is the same: allegiance to the Constitution and a commitment to protect this nation from all enemies both foreign and domestic. The Constitution is NEVER off the table. The Constitution is NEVER overruled, and it is ALWAYS the law of the land - including Article I Section 2.
What is clear from this youtube video of the citizens' pleas to the Los Angeles City Council, is how much more these un-elected ordinary citizens care for their nation's welfare than the elected officials before them.  The more the American people demonstrate their strength at every level, the more rapidly representative democracy will take place. The more the American people realize their own strength, the more substantive leaders they are certain to produce - like Peter Thottam and Marcy Winograd who work tirelessly to build representative democracy in LA. Â
The more substantial candidates we are able to produce, the more derelict officials we are able to replace. Â
Let's build!
Please view the "Part 2" youtube video from the Los Angeles City Council:Â
Linda Milazzo was a Managing Editor of Opednews until Fall 2014, and a Los Angeles based writer, educator and activist. Since 1974, she has divided her time between the entertainment industry, government organizations, community development (more...)