"He told them [his brothers] he was happy he would meet his death at the hands of his enemies and be a martyr, not just languish in jail."If this is all about war crimes, why isn't Mr. Bush and his entire Administration being tried? The U.S. invasion and occupation of Iraq has resulted in the deaths of anywhere from 100,000-655,000 civilians. THAT is a war crime. Talk about hypocrisy. Lastly, one cannot ignore the speed of this execution. While the people involved are night and day different in their actions, it's reminding me all too much of Sophie Scholl and her expedited execution at the hands of the Nazis. Would this happen with an American official? I certainly don't think so. But then, we are exempt from most international rules because we're AMERICA damn it!
- Badie Aref, one of Saddam's lawyers