The terrorists wreaking havoc aren't Islamic fundamentalists. Their religious beliefs are diverse. They aren't necessarily Arabic-they are of white, black, Hispanic, and Asian descent. They wear business suits, sports shirts and slacks, and carry briefcases. And they are robbing people of their homes, property and their heritage. These terrorists work for insurance companies that deny claims submitted by the people whose homes were decimated by Katrina. They also work for government relief agencies like FEMA, which has yet to send checks to people dislocated by the hurricane.
Much of New Orleans lower ninth ward remains in ruins. Little is being done to rehabilitate the area, home to thousands who don't have the resources to rebuild on their own. It's easy for residents to believe that the lack of response sends a clear message-that they aren't wanted back. Their perception may not be too far off the mark. In areas of the Northeast, lower middle class areas are being devastated by mortgage lenders and property speculators who offer high interest loans to first time home buyers who don't qualify for a standard bank loan. Property owners unable to continue the large monthly payments have their property seized, and it gets auctioned for a half to a quarter of the purchase price while the former home owner drowns in debt. Perhaps this is what we can expect to happen in the areas destroyed by the levee failures in New Orleans?
Someone once wrote that the pen is mightier than the sword. This is especially true when it comes to economic terrorism. 300,000 households are currently living away from New Orleans waiting to return to the city. Homeowner foreclosure rates have tripled nationwide to more than a million a year. Some of these are due to mortgage lending abuse, but most of these foreclosures are the result of exporting jobs overseas, skyrocketing property values, and loss of pension benefits to the retired. Politicians from both parties make powerful speeches and glad-hand people during election time, but offer little of substance.
You don't need to ram a plane into a building in this country to be a terrorist. You just need to be an opportunistic slug with a pen.