"Populist: A supporter of the rights and power of the people. .. Populist, A supporter of the Populist Party.... Of or relating to populism or its advocates: a populist aversion to business monopolies."
Are you now or have you ever been a "populist?"
Reading and hearing the ruling elite media stooges these days one comes to the conclusion that, apparently, a populist is a horrible thing to be.
Imagine, a supporter of the rights and power of the people! Good God, the cheekiness of these upstarts questioning the control of society by big business or the wisdom or our legions of corporate-money-fed beltway fascist wanabees.
Ironic for sure. As the definition implies, it really is a term of honor and yet the corporate media uses it as an epithet and term of derision – as if uttering the word will cause viewers and readers to shudder and recoil in horror... a kind of Boris Karloff effect.
This single word, and the way it is used, illustrates from where these corporate media sycophants are coming. Whether it is David Gergen, David Broder, or a terminally ascerbic George Will, the term "populist" rolls of their tongues and typewriters like some kind of poison – apparently, their idea of a killer epithet.
It must also be a "talking point" commandment – i.e., thou shalt refer to anyone who challenges the corporate media and bankster powers as "populist" and one who is insufficiently obesient to ruling elite banking powers and Bildergerger policies.
Implicit within the spittum here is their obvious disgust for democracy. They dont really mean democracy when they must use the term to placate and confuse the poor souls in their audience. Indeed, those employed in the Orwell press machine are required to have a certain disdain for democracy, especially anything smacking of economic democracy – wherein the majority actually control their tax and trade policy, create publicly-financed elections, and restore banking powers to the people.
So they can’t dis democracy directly without revealing their Hitlerian tendencies. So they dis populists instead.
You can see the virulent strain here in "conservative" thought. So-called conservatives (what are they conserving other than the right of the few to screw the many?) love to stress that we are a Republic and not, horror of horrors, a democracy. They often quote some of our slave-owning founders, European writers, and Roman-era scribes like Cicero - all of whom lived in ages rooted in enclosures and human slavery, when "democracy" meant the mob taking their stolen lands back, and people having to pay a fair wage to find labor.
This disdain for democracy continues today in the use of the "populist" epithet. It is spouted by people too afraid to admit they are fascists and enjoy ruling-elite-driven oligarchy, oligopoly and societal control Uber Alles.
Control is clearly big in the "conservative" puritannical mind. A rigid order and police state is needed to keep people from getting out of control... out of their control. Why, the next thing you know, people are having a Bachannal, sex on the lawn, taking substances which produce temporary joyfulness.. and even controlling their reproduction.
We can’t have that... because we’re conservatives, we must keep the populists from power. While we can’t admit we’re fascists we can certainly act like it and so make sure no Populist ever gets elected, or rapes our daughters.
With elections so close, aren’t we due for another media-driven populist "scream?" Is it not time for another if-it-screams-it-leads conflagration of some scary populist’s reputation. While scary liberals who get near or in power tend to be assassinated, with a Muskie or Hillary we can simply use tears to do a media assassination. Tears, of all the dangerous things in a leader!
Forget the tears, we media "conservatives" need a robust Ron Paul "scream" attack now that that dangerous figure Howard Dean is out of the way. Or maybe we wont have to use the Orwell scream technique, we can simply disappear these pesky populists, deny them debates, deny them coverage, deny them... period.
Go team Oligarchy! Out Damn Populist!