a) Just because the Senate is now sitting on S. 1959 the Violent Radicalization and HOmegrown Terrorism Prevention Act, "and for other purposes" as the title of the bill plainly states.....does not mean that we should let it drop from our radar. Oohhhhh no! The Senate is probably and even likely "Sitting on it" with the hopes that the focus on the deadly bill will drop from the Internet. Then they will pass it, after we all stop talking about it.
STOP THIS BILL, RIGHT NOW! Our free speech depends on it. Please immediately write your local newspaper editor about this. I say "local" because the mainstream may or may not print anything about this deadly bill, given the media blackout. So try your local newspaper and/or your college newsletter editors instead.
Then approach your friendly County Supervisors and City Council members (the ones you trust, that is) and ask them to issue a statement and resolution against the deadly bill. When the college newsletter editors and local papers write up stories about this, the mainstream media may become jealous and, hopefully, want to scoop the story. Bingo! You've got strong public support to stop the bill plus the publicity you want for it. Please help! NOW! Don't wait! Free speech is at stake! Thank you.
Here is an excellent article about the proposed law: http://sternplanet.com/boards/archive/index.php/t-21479.html
b) We can agree to disagree about this one, of course. But it is my clear impression that Bush is not "incompetent" as claimed. Instead, my "take" on him is that he is "Deliberate".
Put it this way: YOU could not declare war based on a lie and send our kids to harm's way for that lie, could YOU? Of course not! Only a murderer is capable of such a thing. Sorry folks, but bluntness is important here. This crazed man belongs locked up and not walking the streets, let alone in public office, with nuclear weapons in his hands. And to call him "incompetent" is to absolve him from the utmost responsibility to which he absolutely must be held.
Please let's not forget that while still governor of Texas, this man had the highest record of capitol punishment of any governor in US History. Two hundred plus years of that history! Now that's a statement.
Plus he was strumming his guitar the day after Katrina, sat and stared at the TV screen while the planes hit the towers, etc....isn' t something wrong with this picture? What of his violating more than 900 laws? Come on, this is not "Incompetence". It's criminality, blatantly obvious! Wake up America, and call the shots for what they are!
IMPORTANT: Maybe if we all, en masse, call the shots for what they really are----that is, deliberate criminality and not merely "incompetence"-----this kook will be gotten rid of sooner rather than later.
Oh and least you think I forget, no indeed, I did not forget at all. Cheney is a partner in crime. Absolutely. War based on lies, breaking open the name of Valerie Plame out of sheer revenge while endangering her life in so doing. Only gang leaders endanger a life out of revenge. Another mass murderer? Yup.
Time to get this on the public radar. Please write your editors! Remember to use facts, not opinions alone, because opinions will be struck down. Facts will not.
c) The recession could end up in a depression if the war funding continues. Time to remind Congress and the Prez that even they have to eat! (Imagine the need for such a reminder: What are they thinking?) Time to take out the pens and take to the streets DEMANDING a stop to the funding of this illegal and murderous war!
Thank you all for your help! (And if we don't help, we will probably all regret it. So please pitch in! Remember that the voices of the masses do have power, because politicians want to be re-elected. Plus nobody likes to have the skeletons in their closets brought out for open viewing: That's why so many politicians have resigned! Obviously what we *all* as a *mass* think really *does* matter and our *collective* voice *will* count! Thank you again for helping out and for reminding the public of this empowering fact!).