Does one really believe that Bush is campaigning so hard for Republican candidates for the upcoming November elections? No. He is running, fighting hard not to be Impeached, not to have Investigations into his illegal wire tapping, Halliburton's mishandling of funds, and the lies and misconceptions which got us into this war/occupation in Iraq.
So too, must we American people, fight hard to defeat this insult and injustice on our Country like our lives depended on it, BECAUSE it does. Our lives, our neighbor's lives, the soldiers' lives, our children and the lives of those innocent people in Iraq.
Although Iraq voted for a government, it is a Dummy government, in name only. Whenever the Iraqi people need anything from their government, they go the U.S. Occupying Forces there, not their democratic elected government, because they have no power; they control nothing. Not the oil, not the water, not the electricity. In fact, the Iraqi people only have the use of water and electricity about half of the day. And, where are the hospitals and schools they promised to build? However they are Building U.S. Bases (4) and the soldiers are protecting the oil in Iraq but not the Iraqi people to ensure their health, wealth and welfare.