What IS the world coming to? Seriously.
Are these really the so-called "end times" that so many proud and militant "religious conservatives" talk about? And must there be even more of their so-called "holy wars" fought in the name of Christianity or Islam or Jewish Zionism in order to fulfill prophecy?
Or, does the literal, real prophecy of every religion foretell that the "meek" (who are the humble, gentle, peaceful, patient and truly faithful majority of people in this world) shall inherit the earth following a divine intervention, and then establish real equality, fairness and justice, mend divisions, reconcile those in conflict, make peace, turn all the "swords into plowshares," clean up and protect the environment, transform deserts into new gardens, and make this world what it really should be?
Well, if the truth be told, the humble and meek shall indeed inherit the earth -- along with those who are now arrogantly proud and militant but will ultimately be humbled and made contrite in the face of truth. Then, as they are finally reconciled and united, the people of earth will be able to accomplish all those things that will save and greatly improve our world.
Of course, that may seem to be quite impossible right now, because we are pitted against each other and sharply divided by leaders who aggressively compete and fight for worldly power, whether it is because of partisan politics or so-called "religious" conflict or some other kind of dispute, and many of them claim that God is on their side. But, the worst and most divisive of them are actually deceptive, hypocritical bigots and offensive ideologues who serve "Mammon," not God, and as soon as their errors are exposed by the full light of truth they will begin to lose their grip on power. Their followers will realize they've been deceived and misguided, and then we the people of earth will be able to progress forward united in common purpose, and achieve common goals for the common good.
You see, believe it or not, I am the son of man who delivers the prophesied message that issues judgment, reveals the truth, explains the fulfillment of real prophecies (as distinguished from symbolic prophecies that were not meant to be taken literally), and shows exactly how the meek shall inherit the earth.
Unfortunately, as was foreseen and foretold by such prophets as Isaiah and Jesus, I have first been rejected by my generation, and it has seemed that all my work has been in vain and for nought. For even though many people have been made aware of this message for many years, and particularly during the last seven years, nearly all have so far rejected it and refuse to believe it for various reasons. Only a precious few have recognized the truth in it, and they too have been unable to spread the word because most people are set in their political and religious beliefs.
That's why I have continued to improve this summary of the message, as I have become increasingly better at allowing the Spirit of truth to guide me in making the truth more obvious. For as Jesus said, of myself I do nothing, and it has been only recently that I've finally begun to fully realize what that actually means.
That's part of the reason the rejection may end at any time now. But it's not only because I've been enabled to become better at communicating what needs to be said. It's also because I am, like those in my generation, advancing into old age (far more rapidly than I would like). Moreover, I have faith that this improved summary will generate interest in the message, enable readers to begin to feel the spirit of truth in it, and inspire them to spread the word.
So, please let me introduce you to a revised summary of my work, and let me begin by telling you briefly how I feel about what's going on in the world right now.
I am very deeply sorrowed by the state of the world, and I often grieve because so many of our fellow human beings are suffering from the terrible tribulation we are going through.
At the same time, however, I am incensed, because most of the trouble in the world has been and still is caused by the greed, arrogance, self-righteousness and vain folly of self-important men who seem to think they are great leaders.
I am also incensed because the arrogantly proud and militant leaders who are responsible for so much of the conflict, division and violence in the world make a show of religiosity and claim to be devout Christians or Jews or Muslims, when they are really not. In fact, they are far from it.
After all, Solomon of ancient Israel, renowned for his great wisdom, said that pride goes before destruction and an arrogant spirit before a fall, and it is better to be of a humble spirit than to join the proud and militant in their aggressive and offensive pursuit of the "spoils" of war.
The Christ Jesus, a spiritually anointed and enlightened son of man (and one of the greatest "bleeding-heart" liberal progressives there ever was), said essentially the same thing, and he added that we should love even our enemy. He also advised against retaliation, and against living by the sword, and he even declared that the meek are blessed and shall inherit the earth. Then, to top it off, he willingly martyred himself and sacrificed his life to set a good example and culminate his teachings regarding peace, love, tolerance, forgiveness, and pacifism.
Islam's founder, Mohammed, stated that killing is always evil, and that indiscriminate killing is especially evil. Moreover, like Jesus, he advised against retaliation and against force or coercion in religious matters, and he commanded Muslims to "be very courteous to Jews and Christians because we all believe in the same God."
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