Before WWII China never had a nation state. The victory over the Japanese invaders led Mao Zedong and the Communist Party to be the first to preside over a unified China. After the death of Mao the Communist leadership threw socialism out the window and embraced the international corporations. This has led China to become an economic power equal to Europe and the United States. China's main problem has always been overpopulation. With three billion four hundred million people the government mandated birth control program has run into opposition from their people and the only way they can handle it, being a dictatorship, is with harsh forced abortions and the jailing of Chinese Catholics. The construction of a democracy anywhere is a laborious process. There have to be courts and lawyers as well as a free press and constitutional guarantees including voting and other rights. The mainly rural population of China has a population that raises large families in order to raise their crops.
The world is becoming overpopulated with human beings. The world population doubles every twenty years. The doubling process is like putting ten dollars down on a crap table in Vegas and letting it ride. If you make enough passes you can own the casino. If this process continued, (which it can't) in less than one thousand years there would be a ball of people larger than the visible universe expanding at the speed of light. Modern science has extended the life span and everyone is in favor of life but few people look upon death as anything but a disaster. This is particularly true of the Catholic Church. The Catholic population has just surpassed one billion believers and the church is adamantly opposed to any kind of birth control and even prevention. This is why so many Chinese Catholics are in jail, and a jail in a dictatorship is a very bad place.
Here we have the Christian Coalition composed of the followers of Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell as well as a whole lot of Catholics but any population increase in the United States is going to have to come from illegal or legal immigration. Farming is done by large corporations now and the farmer's desire for a large family is a thing of the past. The American and European ideal family consists of mom and pop and Dick and Jane, or Ricardo and Jeanette. We have a government of laws but the Chinese have a government of "do what I say or it is your ass!"
China doesn't have any labor unions and we are losing ours because union leaders are not working men, they are businessmen. In spite of champions like Lou Dobbs, the enemy of the middle class is not the illegal immigrant. Turning against poor people is not going to change anything. The problem is that even the poor in America actually believe that they are free citizens. Lou Dobbs found that out when he jabbed his stick into the hornets nest.
The Koreans and the Japanese are part of our auto industry and you can expect China to join them. The port of San Francisco is operated by China. When you are enjoying chop suey in your favorite Chinese restaurant and open your fortune cookie to the message - "I am a prisoner in a Chinese fortune cookie factory - in San Francisco." Don't be surprised.