Have we failed the planet?
Have we allowed things to go too far?
Have we pushed things to the breaking point?
Have we become conspirators in the destruction of our world?
Have we finally forced the wheel of chaos to spin beyond our control?
Is the tide of change out of our hands?
Is it too late to put the genie back in it's bottle?
Is it too late to close the heavy lid of Pandora's Box?
Is it too late to put humpty dumpty back together again?
Is it too late to replace all the lost pieces of nature's puzzle?
Should we use the rest of our time for learning?
Should we use the rest of our time for returning?
Should we use the rest of our time for a healing?
Should we use the rest of our time for revealing?
That we'll need
When the time comes
For all of us to be taken
And returned to our home?