Not only Kucinich, Gravel and Paul supporters should call the Federal Communications Commission 888 225 5322 and the Federal Elections Commission 202 649 1000. All Americans that believe elections should be fair should call.
It is the two commissions' malfeasance that emboldens the media conglomerates to continue to criminally misuse the public owned frequencies, frequencies they only lease every eight years. It is no exaggeration to see this as a example of fascism, wherein conglomerate corporations control media, control commissions appointed to oversee media complaisance with laws protecting the public, and control the majority of congressmen elected who approve the appointment of the members of the FCC and FEC. Fascism is not just people getting beat up in the street - that comes later.
Dennis is the only candidate against all the wars of occupation and corporate governance at home. Sure, call NBC, but also call the FCC and FEC. FCC fax is 866 418 0232
The FCC and FEC have statutes to comply with under congressional law. Call 'em! Dennis Kucinich, please keep taking them to court!