Fredricksburg is the site of a 1862 Civil War battle wherein the Confederates held off the Union Army long enough to re-group. The battle involved lots of house-to-house fighting and a whole bunch of death. Yuck!
Despite its grisly past, however, Fredricksburg itself is really CUTE and there's a historical marker on almost every building downtown. After the Runners finished setting up their tents down by the Rappahannock River and had a chance to look around, one of them said, "Jane! Guess what? There's free internet access at the local library!" Free internet access? Wow! I am now typing this at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation computer center. Apparently there is one in every library in Virginia. Bill Gates is the new Andrew Carnegie. Go him.
Meanwhile, back at the Rappahannock, we got our new schedule. In just two more days, the Run will be over. We will street-hike into DC, rally at the Lincoln Memorial and that will be that. On to a new subject: When I toured Washington DC with my friends, we saw at least 5,000 Falun Gong people standing in bunches on EVERY corner and holding up signs accusing China of harvesting organs off Falun Gong members before putting them to death -- and apparently transplanting the organs into well-heeled Americans.
These photos would really make an impact on the DC tourists. For sure.
And maybe our pro-peace people might also do this once a month in every large city in America. A single occasional peace march is easy for the media to ignore -- but not this. Not if these photos are out there on hundreds of street corners in every large city in America once a month where millions of Americans will see them -- and finally be forced to come face to face with the cold hard facts that they are carefully kept from seeing on TV. And maybe Americans will finally be able to "get the picture" that Bush is destroying our country -- and ripping us off.