And our George will go to jail forever. End of story.
But what will happen to the USA after that?
Of course I predict the Fall of the House of Bush. You don't have to have been born with The Sight to see that one coming. But what separates the great fortune tellers from your average hack tarot-card reader is this: What will happen to our country After The Fall?
I predict a power vacuum.
I predict a moment in history when America can go one of two ways:
Door Number 1: More of the same. America continues to pick its leaders based on hype instead of wisdom. Yet another Little Napoleon, sponsored by TV commercials paid for by electorial bagmen like Abramof and Delay, will arrive on the scene. War and greed will eat up what is left of America's greatness and global warming -- droughts and floods and weird stuff like glaciers in Chicago -- will polish off the crumbs. Our great dream of democracy and the Perfectibility of Man will take a giant step backward as we settle for less. Again.
Door Number 2: A miracle happens. We all put aside our obsession with material things and power plays and work our butts off -- like all those students who went down to New Orleans to help with the Katrina clean-up on their spring break -- to change the world and make it a better place.
The odds are in favor of Door Number 1. It would take a miracle to open Door Number 2.
What do I predict?