Whilst George W., our modern day Nero, fiddles out a tune that burns with lie after lie, the fabric of our nation is being rended and burned. Is there any doubt this will not be replayed with Tuesdays' State of The Union? As before, it will simply be another masterful fiddle concerto exhibiting not even the slightest concern or shred of sincere compassion or for that matter relevance to the troubles and ills that face the lesser among us in this country. You'll have to listen hard for those false notes though, this is a master with the bow. Catch him in a rare moment of candor and you'll hear volumes however. As Emperor George so famously put it at one of his many mega fund-raisers talking to the $100,000+ Rangers, "some people call you the elite, I call you my base (laughter)". And so it goes, we are the lesser.
Does anyone remember the mantra W. repeated over and over again about being a uniter and not a divider? How has that promise borne out? We can look back as recently as this last week and evidence the kabuki dance being played out in the wake of the Katrina disaster. The first priority of the fiddler and his orchestra is to C.Y.A.
They hide their tracks of malaise, cronyism, incompetence, neglect and disinterest in everything they have done by dividing and tearing a little bit more. From securing our borders, to preparing for disaster, to botching the capture of 'wanted dead or alive' Bin-Laden and even the cynical ploy of duping the one issue voters to whip up the abortion or anti-gay sentiments in W's election bids. It is all written out in 3/4 time and is a waltz the fiddler, our Neo-Nero knows well.
Natural disasters right here in the homeland are no different. Preparing for and responding to the coming hurricane Katrina is a clear example. Even senators Collins (R) from Maine and (D) Leiberman (W's kissin' cousin) can't get anywhere with their request for documentary evidence in their investigation of the administration's reaction to this country's worst natural disaster. Unite the dispossessed from New Orleans' ninth ward and insure that as a nation we take care of our own before we rebuild Iraq? Sorry, not this time.
Fiddle on maestro. Deregulate for your buddies in the mining industry so they can bump their margins a few percentage and squeeze more dollars from the West Virginians that are so expendable.
Fiddle on maestro when the war of choice you lied down our throats is costing us over a billion dollars a week. While you cut student loan programs, mortgage our children's future with astronomical debt and allow the oil industries and credit card companies to dictate (and even write) your legislative agenda through secret meetings and Abramoff style grip and grin oval office tete'-a-tete's.
Fiddle on Maestro when every year since you were appointed the number of those below the poverty level has increased and the number of children covered by health care insurance has decreased.
Fiddle on Maestro in full glory the dance of the hypocritical while the number of abortions performed rose in each of the years you have reigned and the prenatal programs, child day care programs and even school lunch programs for the poor are all on the budgetary chopping block.
Fiddle on Maestro as the real wages and standard of living of nearly all Americans (even the poor deluded middle class and low income red-staters) standard of living is declining in each of the last five years.
So, tune in for the concert folks it'll be a hot time tuesday night in D.C. The State of the Union is in the hands of our Nero and in fact politically, culturally, socially and even religiously/spiritually, its burnin'.