Please carefully consider that WTC 7 was not hit by an aircraft on 9-11, was not attacked by terrorists, and only small fires that were not spreading and were contained on only one side of the building on the 12th floor were observed, yet the entire 47 story tall concrete and steel skyscraper building "buckled" in the center, penthouse first, then came straight down very quickly in a mere 6.5 seconds at free fall,
not impeded in any manner whatsoever by any of the numerous floors below, imploding from within precisely into it's own footprints, the concrete pulverized and vaporized into toxic dust and powder, resulting in huge, billowing, pyroclastic clouds, and the massive steel core columns (18) cut and hurled horizontally, a truly perfect, classic example of a building brought down with deliberate purpose, and with a very high degree of advanced professional skills and substantial expert experience in a controlled fashion.
The Twin Towers also came straight down into their own footprints very quickly in less than 12 seconds each in a similar controlled fashion.
Most certainly a scientific investigation is called for to examine the scientific facts surrounding the probable implosion of WTC 7.
Please carefully consider that scientific facts once officially revealed to the nation can free the American people, their Congress, and their President, from the constant fear and terror generated by and since 9-11.
1. EXCLUSIVE INN WORLD REPORT INTERVIEW with Physics Professor Dr Crockett Grabbe and Dr David Ray Griffin, "INN Takes on the History Channel", LINK CLICK on TUE SEPTEMBER 04 for their complete interviews regarding 9-11.
2. Noted Architect Richard Gage - WTC 7 Controlled Demolition - Video LINK Click Here
3. Massive steel core columns cut with molten slag present LINK Click Here