Political Passive Aggressive Protest
There is no leader, no organization, just individuals, participating in small groups with their friends and travelling companions. Doing things you would do if on vacation in DC. You could just do one thing for a short time, or take a location and work it.
1. All you need is a t-shirt that you can iron on, sharpie on, paint on...
FRONT: I've Had Enough -- Have you?
BACK: Have you Had -- ENOUGH?
2. Get Metro passes, travel to various Metro Stations, during rush hours (morning and evening) to take up every available seat. Make the Washington Workers STAND. Bollux up their day. Make sure to linger staring at the Metro Maps at Union Station, and at the larger stops. Make them walk AROUND YOU!
3. Protesters to each of the airports on Thursday afternoons and Monday mornings. This is when Senators and Representatives travel to and from home. Most of them DO fly commercial. Gather in groups no larger than 10 (if you look like a "rally" you'll be arrested). Stand or sit on EVERY bench at the entrances/exits. Keep riding the escalators. FILL THEM UP. Get on the moving sidewalks and FILL THEM UP. Go to the bars, take a stool at the bar FILL THEM UP. Go ahead and have a beer just take an hour or two to drink it.
4. Protesters to the busiest intersections. Just 3 on each corner would be enough, keep pressing the "Walk" button.
5. Protesters at the lunch hour 5 to a group, walk the sidewalks, SLOWLY. From curb to building fill the sidewalk arm in arm. Most people in Washington walk to lunch. Let's slow them down. Stand in the lines at the hot dog carts, fill the booths (they can have the tables)
6. Call your Senator or Representative and request a ticket to Tour the White House, Capitol Building. Just about every state has a room to meet in. Go in groups of 2 or more but less than 10.
7. Visit any of the Smithsonian Museums in groups of 3 to 10. Take a school classroom, let them make the T-shirt they will wear in DC.
8. Ride the Tourist Trolley.
9. In small groups go to the Washington Offices of CNN, FOX, etc. Walk through the lobby, ask for a tour.
Don't talk, or engage in political debate.
KEEP MOVING If you loiter you WILL be arrested
Answer questions when you are asked. Share any message you want. The only agenda here is the peoples agenda and YOU are the PEOPLE
Let me know when you're ready to go, I'm thinking maybe September? Say the 10th through the 12th???
I'm just sayin'