The Warrior Mother in me wants to reach through the phone and magically remove my son from harm. He's trying to carry on a normal conversation about food, movies and what he is thinking about doing when he returns home in December, and I am ready to vomit. Not only because my son is in harm's way, but because our Government put him there for absolutely no reason except power, greed and stupidity.
George Bush and his criminals should not only send their children to Iraq, but they should go put on all that heavy equipment in that sweltering heat, not eat a real meal for a year, and get shot at all day long. We will see how long they would last and what they thought about "bringing democracy" to this Country that they destroyed and are now attempting, in vain, to rebuild.
So today I get an email from the Company Commander in Iraq. These messages are received by "Marine Moms" on a daily basis. The message is contritely named "The Fallujah Courant." The 1st Sgt., or Sir, as he likes to be called, recounts the events of yesterday. "Mortars hit us yesterday not on the fourth. No one was injured but once again there was a little damage to the compound.....I put mortar frag in my cereal for breakfast, so bring it on..."
I have news for the 1st Sgt. those mortars are being aimed at sons, fathers and husbands. The cavalier attitude displayed in these daily messages is mind boggeling.
So I will remain Anti-war, Anti-Bush Crime Family and keep fighting the mentality that we are "spreading democracy" and "helping" the poor and downtrodden. However, reading these daily newsletters will always make me vomit.