You just wrote me and a few million Democrats, saying,
"Republican leaders use these tactics (attack back to defame anyone that opposes you) to distract people from the simple fact that they have lost credibility on national security and foreign policy. They abandoned the hunt for Osama bin Laden. They manipulated intelligence to sell the war in Iraq, and failed to plan adequately for the war before it started. They destroyed the moral authority America built up over five decades of Democratic and Republican presidents, and they alienated the universal support for our cause after September 11th. Americans deserve to hear an exit strategy in Iraq and a plan to restore our moral leadership in the world."
Well, O.K. Howard, yes that is true. But where in the hell is your own exit strategy? Why are Democrats being so damned strategic about an exit strategy?? Nancy Pelosi was on the Daily Show with John Stewart last night, and all she did was criticize the criticizers of Jack Murtha.
Your memo to all of us is entitled, "Shame on Them." Is this the best Democrats can do? All you have to say to the Republican leadership is: "Shame on you for criticizing a Hawk who is finally telling the truth now that most of the people in the military are able to see that there is no way this can work?" "Shame on you for attacking a person you thought was enrolled in our secret conspiracy to act patriotic the way we thought all the redneck populace wants us to, so that people in both parties could win elections even if it meant keeping the military industrial conspiracy in place for years to come?" "Shame on you for shaming a person who finally wants to tell the truth about the ignorant incompetent murderous dumb assed war these idiots couldn't pull of no matter how many innocent people they killed??" Well, of course, shame on them Howard! But is that it?? Is that all you've got to say??
So here is an Exit Strategy, for all the dim witted, wimpy, dumb asses in government, Republican and Democrat alike: Pack up your sh*t. Load it on trucks and planes, get inside the vehicles and get the hell out of there.
When people ask you why you are going while you are on the way out, how about this for a strategy: Admit that all the reasons for going there were bullshit in the first place. Apologize to the world. Say that you will send back a few thousand non-military folks to try to clean up the Depleted Uranium dust that is in the earth and the water and the air and in the bodies of all the people and animals all over Iraq that will continue to kill innocent people for 2500 years in that poor American frat rat spoiled country, and will cause a 40% to 60% higher cancer rate for the rest of their unhealthy, debt ridden, inadequately treated, psychologically damaged lives for all of our soldiers who return, and for anyone there who has been, or will be, directly exposed to it. Load up, get on board, and get the hell out of there. Exit. To hell with strategy. Strategy put us there in the first place.
Here is a new strategy. Stop being strategic. Tell the truth about the lies we have been telling ourselves and the world. And get the hell out of there.
Dr. Brad Blanton is an Independent Candidate for Congress in 2006, opposing Eric Cantor, a Bush Republican. ,