We walk "The Path" both as individuals and together, as a society. We may not fully understand how a "fork in the road" and personal choices affect our society as a whole. For this reason, the words below are shared in support of our freedoms as Americans to make personal choices each time we meet a "fork in the road". "The Path" is shared with love, faith and hope.
"The Path"
We were all sent down the path on September 11, 2001. We did not choose the path nor would we have ever chosen.
It is the path that no one would choose -- innocent lives were destroyed and we were betrayed. Five years later how wonderful it seems at first, bright and promising that we are working for peace, before it turns dark and hostile with that ominous silencing.
I made the choice--to turn "garbage into roses".
I made the choice to meet others on the path, to
journey alongside them, crying with them, yelling with them, being silent with them, just to let them know that they are not alone. Because I know that devastating aloneness. And, they should not be alone on that path, NOT NOW, NOT EVER.
Making this choice -- reclaims ME!
But in that choice, I also acknowledge that I can only journey with them if I myself am still journeying, still creating, still moving forward, however slow it may be at times, still choosing. And I acknowedge that I stand not alone in that choice.
I stand with you who have also made that choice.
Together we turn in support and solidarity of each other; We turn to those who know no choice, to offer to them the support and understanding we offer to each other.
Together, we remind each other who we are and what we're about. Together, we ground each other and learn to care for each other and I learn to care for myself, without losing myself as I once did.
And so we continue to journey to find peace. To walk "This Path" together. This path, that now WE have chosen.