The republicans are launching their "buy out the vote" campaign. Lord knows they've weaseled away enough corrupt to pull it off. Voters are tired of this war; they're tired of the scandals. They know how to balance their checkbooks, and they're fed up with a government that can't. They know how to clean up their messes, and their sick of a government that won't clean house of even the most diseased varmints. Nonetheless, the republicans think that they can buy their way to victory this November.
Over the next three weeks, their counting on voters across the country to forget their abysmal neglect over the last six years by attacking and blaming democrats. They'll say our tolerance of gay people--our love for our fellow human beings and countrymen no matter what impulses guide their lives--is poisoning the well, and voters will forget that these same people let a pedophile run loose in Congress for six years. They'll say our tolerance for gay people is evil, even though it follows in the spirit of some of the greatest principles that guided the creation of this union.
They'll say we are going to raise taxes, and voters will forget that under republican rule tax revenue went solely into the pockets of the Tuxedo Class--Big Energy, Big Contractors, and Big Pharma. They'll say we are going to raise taxes while they spend money we don't have; when they know damn well they've left us no choice.
They'll blame us, and they'll blame and they'll blame. And unfortunately it looks like they have enough money to win the blame campaign. It's not fair that people as malevolent as them keep winning, but the important thing to remember is that we've always been a decent party. History will vindicate us, and when it does it may be too late to feel any satisfaction, but as long as Big Oil and Big Pharma can buy the vote--as they predict it can--we can only bite our lips.
I hope I'm wrong. I hope that after six years of shameful behavior, the republicans can't win simply by outspending the democrats in three silly weeks. I hope that Americans will let actions and not money talk this year. Americans need to remember that dollars become words that spew from the mouths of the company spokespeople for the Republican Party.
It would just be ironic if the republicans' reward, which is tons of money, for their corrupt domination in Washington is exactly what allows them to continue to corruptly control the government.