Press Conference Tuesday, February 26, 2008, 12 Noon
Where: Kennebunkport Town Offices, Elm St., Kennebunkport, ME
12:30 p.m. Photo Op, Ocean Ave. by Bush Compound, Walker Point, Kennebunkport, ME
2 p.m. Q & A Session/Interviews 78 Old Cape Road, Kennebunkport, ME.
3 to 5 p.m. Info Session with speakers 78 Old Cape Road, Kennebunkport, ME, see below. Topics to include legal authority, precedent and procedure for other towns to undertake similar indictment measures.
An information session and discussion about the Kennebunkport Town Meeting Ballot Article calling for the Indictment of President Bush and Vice President Cheney will be held on Tuesday, February 26, 2008 from 3 to 5 p.m. at 78 Old Cape Road, Kennebunkport.
Scheduled speakers include US Senate Candidate Laurie Dobson, US Rep Candidate Harold Burbank, Esq., author Kurt Daims and former US Rep Candidate Bruce Marshall.
The Bush-Cheney Indictment resolution will be delivered to the Kennebunkport Town Offices at high noon on Tuesday, February 26, 2008. It shall be placed upon the Town Meeting Agenda for the June Ballot.
The initial indictment resolution was drafted by Kurt Daims and placed on the Brattleboro Town Meeting ballot. This ballot initiative is meant to generate the real dialogues of crimes and war crimes.
The Kennebunkport Indictment forum will explain the reasoning behind the resolution, and why it should pass. There will be ample time allotted for questions and answers.
For more information, call 207-967-0432 or 207-216-2303, or e-mail at