Numerous peace and justice organizations, including student groups taking advantage of Spring Break, are making plans for a week of actions from March 12th to 19th to mark the end of the fifth year of U.S. occupation in Iraq. Events will culminate in a national day of actions on March 19th, the fifth anniversary of the invasion. Congress members will be home on break, and activists hope to organize nonviolent civil disobedience actions in all 435 congressional districts, as well as nonviolent actions in Washington, D.C., focused on war profiteers.
Building up to the 19th, groups are organizing a week of activities focused on Washington, D.C., and beginning with a day of lobbying and nonviolent civil resistance in Congress on March 12th, combined with a rally and lobbying on the 12th opposing the occupation of Iraq and the U.S. military's plans for Africa.
From March 13th to 16th in Washington, D.C., Iraq Veterans Against the War has organized a forum for veterans to testify about their experiences in Iraq. Groups around the country will hold local events in support of this action.
On March 17th and 18th in Washington, D.C., citizen activists will train in nonviolence in preparation for the 19th, while also training in lobbying and proceeding to lobby congressional staff. The 18th has been declared "Take Back the Constitution Day" and will feature events throughout the city all day and into the evening demanding an end to the occupation, an end to torture, and the immediate impeachment of Cheney and Bush.
Details on these events and the organizations involved are posted at
Organizations involved in one or more of the week's events include: Activist Responce Team (A.R.T),, Backbone Campaign, Black Leadership Forum, Camp Casey Peace Institute, CODEPINK Women For Peace, Common Ground Collective New Orleans, DC Chapter of IVAW, Democracy Rising,, Global Network, Gold Star Families for Peace, Grassroots America, Hip Hop Caucus, Our Spring Break, Progressive Democrats of America, TransAfrica Forum, United for Peace and Justice, Voters for Peace, Washington Peace Center, and World Can’t Wait – Drive Out The Bush Regime!