Several activists from World Can't Wait, joined by other antiwar activists are at Jerold Nadler's Brooklyn office today. They don't intend to leave until they get a commitment from Nadler to get impeachment started in the House Judiciary Committee. They are requesting that you put out the word, asking people to call Nadler's offices to make the same demand.
Washington Office: Tel. 202-225-5635
Manhattan Office: Tel. 212-367-7350
Brooklyn Office: Tel. 718-373-3198
Here is the letter they are delivering:
New York City Constituents for Impeachment
Open Letter to Congressman Jerrold Nadler (NY-08)
January 2, 2008
The impeachment of Cheney is being called for in H. Res. 333/799 (see attached copy of H. Res. 799 dated November 6, 2007). The legislation is now in the House Judiciary Committee, presumably the business of the Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights and Civil Liberties.
U.S. Reps. Robert Wexler (D., Fla.), Luis Guiterrez (D., Ill.) and Tammy Baldwin (D., Wis.), are members of the Judiciary Committee and have petitioned the other members to begin important impeachment hearings immediately. (See Over 170,000 citizens nationwide have signed onto Cong. Wexler’s letter in only its first six days and the petition received the attention of mainstream media such as the Philadelphia Inquirer, Miami Herald and others.
We are here today because you, Congressman Nadler, are Chairman of that Subcommittee.
In your recent press release wherein you began hearings on “The Applicability of Federal Criminal Laws to the Interrogation of Foreign Detainees,” you state that “…we may be facing the possibility of a dangerous and criminal abuse of power at the highest levels of our government. The matters at stake here are far from trivial.” (See attached press release).
You also stated: “…in times of crisis, it is always beneficial to remember the principles upon which this nation was founded. It was John Adams who observed that ‘power always thinks…that it is doing God’s service when it is violating all His laws.’ We are a nation of laws, and we are a free and democratic nation.”
We call on you, Congressman Nadler:
· to sign on to H. Res. 333/799, press for a hearing on the bill and hold a vote to pass it;
· to press for adoption of H. Res. 333/799 in the Judiciary Committee as a whole and move it out to the House of Representatives;
· to publicly encourage your colleagues to sign on to H. Res. 333/799 and to bring it to the Democratic Caucus for its support.
We, constituents and New York City residents, are disappointed by the Democrats who were swept into office by the voters in November 2006. We are disappointed that the war is still funded; we are disappointed that the Executive Office can still slap Congress’ face with impunity; we are disappointed that the real and present dangers posed by Bush and Cheney are not being addressed. We are appalled and ashamed that war crimes committed by our government have not been repudiated. We say ENOUGH!
Congressman Nadler: you have the power to act on behalf of the majority of the American people who say ENOUGH! We are here today to demand that you use that power.