I must start out by saying that I am not a "9/11 Truther". Honestly I
have not looked into it very much. I have seen a couple things on their
websites that would make any intelligent person ask questions but it
has less to do with conspiracies, and more about physics and building
construction. I have heard a few people talk about it recently and they
were very intelligent. Sure there are a few kooks, but for the most part
these people are taxpayers that love our country. And I do believe
that a society is judged by how it treats it's protesters.
Immediately after the War Between the States, if you would've asked any
citizen why the war was fought they would've said "to preserve the
Union". It was very simple. As the people that won the war started to write
the history books things began to change. Perhaps they thought
preserving the union would not be an accepted excuse for future generations, especially to explain the loss of 600,000 lives. When I was in school from 1973-1986 the history books told me that the "Civil War" was fought to free the slaves. Most of them still do. A little research will tell
you that our history books are wrong. Unfortunately, these are the
books that the government has chosen to teach our citizenry from.
We have become a society that gets our truth from two outlets: the mass
media, and the government. But is it our fault? After all we have busy
lives. The Jones' next door just bought a 60" Plasma TV and we still
only have a 52"! We have to get Jimmy to his soccer game. AND the
American Idol auditions start tonight! I really don't have the time
investigate whether Obama is a better candidate than Romney and who the heck is this Ron Paul guy I see on all these signs. I'm sorry, I do not have
the time to look him up on the internet.
So what do you do? Hey, I have 30 minutes free at 11 o'clock tonight,
I'll watch the news! I'll swallow everything they tell me as truth. Hey,
McCain is the Republican frontrunner; I'm a Republican, that's who I'm
voting for. Iraq has Weapons of mass destruction? Well the president
says so, why would he lie? We must invade Iraq no matter what the cost!
We will stay there 100 years if that's what it takes.
we believe things to be true in this country only when the mass media,
or the government tells us it is true. Why do most people believe that
the "Civil War" was fought over slavery? The media and the government
tells us so. Sure, there are some in the media and government that will
contradict that, but until an official announcement is made from either,
or BOTH, people will keep believing what they are told. Even Barack
Obama last year said in a speech that the Emancipation Proclamation had
less to do with civil rights and was more of a military charge (after
the war was well under way). What happened when he said that? Jesse
Jackson called and yelled at him and we never heard it from his mouth again.
The grandmother in Iowa who takes care of her 8 grandkids on the
weekends gets her truth from the media and government. The president of the local PTA gets her truth from the government and media. We are fed our
truth form 2 sources on a regular basis and we eat it whole. When you
try to find truth, and it contradicts what they have said, you are painted as a conspiracy theorist and even worse.
So let me go back to the "9/11 Truthers". In order for "9/11 Truth" to
come out and be accepted as historical fact in this society, the media
(that works in concert with the government), or the government itself,
will have to stand up and say yes, your government attacked you on
9/11. I will bet you my net worth and any future income that this is not
going to happen
In order for me to join the "9/11 Truth" ranks I will have to resign
myself to the fact that no matter how right I think I am, I will always
be considered a whack-job, and even worse, by the majority of my fellow
Americans. I am always interested in a search for the truth and love to
expand my mind. But there are some things that are not worth the
effort. And this is a wasted effort.