As I read the constant stream of articles here expressing alarm and dismay over the current Political Crisis seemingly gripping our country and the World, I'm reminded of the Lemmings all jumping off the cliff at once. I'm reminded that still the best way to be is always calm in the middle of the storm. It's so easy to become reactive instead of thoughtful. The problem with being reactive is that you're always responding to someone Else's provocation. Gamers through out time have called that being played. That is, being predictable and falling into, to the letter, the strategy of your antagonist. I fail to see how you can possibly think that by being led around by the nose that somehow you're going to all of a sudden take charge and gain an advantage.
So is there a move available other than ranting and flailing about on your typewriter? Is there an option besides marching in the streets? Is violence the answer? Revolution perhaps? It doesn't appear so. These have all been done before and yet humanity continues to find itself in the same chains of predicament. So what can possibly work to effect change in a system rigged for the top with an illusion of Democracy given as a political palliative. Placebo is a more accurate description of this electoral medicine parsed out to the masses in ritualistic doses. Time for a cliche', "The more things change, the more they remain the same".
"The Answer please. I haven't all day. I'm very busy trying to change the world in between my job and family obligations." My impatient reader says while considering hurrying on to the next hopefully more to the point, cutting edge political article.
"OK, I'm getting there. It's just that these things are hard to explain." I reply, suddenly caught up in creating a dialog with my imaginary reader. "So let me guess, you think I'm going to tell you how to, in one fell swoop, end the Wars, bring Global warming under control, provide free Health Care for every citizen, Legal and Illegal, and guarantee fair elections?" An obvious stall as I try to recover my composure.
"Well Yea, that would be a good start." My reader quips as his impatience and skepticism rise. "You know something or not?" There it is, the ultimatum from my now displeased reader.
I suppose I need to again turn the tables so I inquire, " Well where were you when the Wars all got started five or six years ago?" "We're you one of the those in front of their TV wishing death to the Infidels?" "Let's face it, the country wanted this war and now that it's somehow gone on too long, is it all of a sudden inconvenient?"
"That's not fair!" We were promised a quick war and a wonderful, much better, safer world when it was over." "So of course I was for the War." My reader whines, feeling betrayed somehow. Though the truth is this reader is feeling a little stupid just hearing the words come out of his imaginary mouth.
"I see." I replied, smug in having my imaginary reader fall into my polemical trap. " "So you thought you would get a different result by doing the same old thing?" "War?" "Well guess what? War only brings good things to the people who finance and build the weapons of destruction." "This War or any War."
Geez, Not much of a punch line for all the trouble I went to to set it up. A little preachy even. But the point is this war was begun with the popular consent of the people. The people didn't bother to consider if they had ever seen this kind of nonsense before. The people were nowhere to be found when the reasons for War were being laid out. The people, feeling all patriotic and justified, just didn't care to check, just didn't think or wish to consider whether a sound case was being made(as if there ever really is one). The People just started waving their flags and wishing death to millions of people who for the most part had nothing to do with any of the International games being played.
Global Warming, Fair Elections? Free Health care for all citizens, legal and illegal? Oh yes!, what a Utopia brought to you by your Government. Think about it, What are you really asking for and what do you think you will end up with? The system, being rigged from the top will set all this up to their own liking. Elections will be rigged one way or another. Global Warming will be tinkered with creating another problem in 30 years like the Catalytic converter has added CO2 to the atmosphere in an attempt to alleviate smog. Well, we still have smog and now another problem for Government to "fix". A problem made worse by Government. All for the Profit of a few at the expense of the many.
So what to do? How to save the world? What is the secret of Political activism? Ha!, believe it or not it's in this article. That's right, hiding in plain sight. The secret is in how you relate to your world. Maybe I can't change the world right now right away, but I can start by changing myself a little. Trite you say? I don't think so. We all affect those around us with our actions and thoughts. So what are yours going to be today? Start by being a Player for the Good, not a pawn for profit.
I am a simple man of eclectic interests and tastes with no particular academic credentials. I still perceive, think, read and write somewhat. Writing music is a hobby of mine
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