Dale Hill
Tell A Friend Bear Claws and Hens' Teeth!
If I could eat sweet pastries, I'd take a bear claw over donuts and cake donuts over glaze donuts. I hate paying for empty holes. Hietal hernias make those decisions for me, and like sodas, pastries are off my diet - IBS, and don't ask me how yesterday went! But have you noticed some donuts on TV that are over a year old and a whole bit, more "worthlesser."
Of course, I am writing about George Bush's "Drugs For The Elderly Program."
"So, Brent, which drug program should I sign up for?" I asked my pharmacist.
"You don't sign up for any. You're already on a drug program, and any other program that anyone has through their work, beats the daylights out of this government program." Yet another Bush failure. "Pharmasuiticalesses!"
I don't understand how anyone could be happy with a drug program that has a donut hole big enough to fly a 747 through. At 61, I am taking nearly 20 pills a day, treating everything from gout to Irritable Bowel Syndrome and severe osteoarthritis. If I had to use one of those "over-the-counter" drug plans, I would hit that donut hole in 6 months. Can you imagine how a lady living only on Social Security would come up with the $2,500 after the first $2,500 until it rings up $5,500?
Read that again. Though it my sound like circular redundancy, it's not. Doesn't that sound like a scam job to you, like DirectBuy? Don't believe DirectBuy is a scam? Do a google on the company plus "crooks." Our government is supposed to identify obvious scams like that instead of screwing around in another country. Give me a break. That company is a pyramid scheme hidden behind showrooms.
And now, what burns me is what is happening on television. Drug company advertising! Pyramid? Isn't our government suppose to care of its citizens. Drug company advertising? You gotta' be kidding me! If this program is so great, why in the heck are drug companies reduced to spending a lot of their money advertising for another anti-people, failed Bush program. "Tell your congress person how great our drug program is.
I am ashamed of Bush, not only for a failed war and The Dixie Chicks, but also all of his silly efforts to privatize health care. What companies have I seen being advertised? Blue Cross and Blue Shield, others I can't remember, and a corporation called "phrma.org," which I am sure represents a whole "rick" of other companies that are making a killing on the empty hole from $2,500 to $5,500.
Ignore the beggers and demand a Democratic change, ...for a change. A nation which would develop a donut hole in health, doesn't even address dental care.
Yes, ... we've all seen and heard about the boy who died from a bad tooth. Tooth decay! Why? Because the family did not have dental insurance. The kid was killed by his own country! Had he been in Europe or even Russia, he'd have all of his teeth fixed for free and be just as alive as the Bushites who are ordering our National Guard to go to quagmire that represents Baghdad.
"No," the bursar lady stared at me and said. "Medicare covering dental? You have your dental plan on your own insurance. Medicare or Medicaid doesn't have dental coverage."
With my insurance and out-of-pocket change, I have had over $20,000 invested in my teeth. Shoot, my teeth are so bad that FEMA could declare them eligible for a National Disaster Area (NDA).
Two implants and a bridge would be $5,000. Ridiculous! I have spent so much, that options are not good. I'm considering robbing banks.
Just how important are our teeth. To our government, they aren't worth a dime, though dental gum disease can cause heart attacks, strokes, and as the little boy, ... death!
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