Sitting in his nowhere land,
Making all his nowhere plans
For nobody.
Does George Bush listen to the Beatles on his iPod? Nah, probably only country singers like Kenny Chesney. Because if Bush did listen to the Beatles he'd hear songs that would upset him. Like Nowhere Man.
The latest polls indicate that Americans are fed up with the Bush presidency. They see that it is going nowhere, real fast. George W doesn't pay attention to poll; if he did he would see that his ratings are plummeting. The February 26th CBS News poll found that only 34 percent of respondents approved of the job he is doing, his lowest number yet. His ratings were down on specific parameters, too. Only 30 percent approved of his handling of Iraq. And, on Bush's strong suite, national security, only 43 percent approved of the way he is handling the war on terror""his lowest rating ever for that category.
If this was some other President, say Bill Clinton, we'd expect him to modify his approach, soften his image, lighten up a bit. Not our Georgie.
He's as blind as he can be,
Just sees what he wants to see,
Nowhere man can you see me at all?
When George W first ran for President, Texas writers, such as Molly Ivins, warned America that beneath Bush's public veneer of bonhomie lurked a churl. That the private Dubya was an arrogant, intractable, surly guy. They noted that his actual persona was a lot like that of his running mate, Dick Cheney, "F U buddy, I'm doing it my way." Voters didn't want to believe this. They bought the Bush public image that had been carefully manufactured by Karl Rove. They thought that he was a regular guy, a good Christian, a man of the people. Someone they could talk to. Someone who would listen to them.
Five years have taught us that the President snuck into office with an ultra-conservative agenda and stuck to it. He only listens to himself and, he claims, God.
The problem, of course, is that Bush's plans for America aren't working. He's had the reverse Midas touch. Everything that he's touched - Iraq, Katrina, Homeland Security""has turned to s__t. He's proved to be the master of the nowhere plan. Meanwhile, the good ship USA desperately needs to change direction.
Nowhere man, please listen,
You don't know what you're missing,
Nowhere man, the world is at your command.
How scary is it to have the nowhere man as our commander-in-chief? To know that it's Dubya's finger that hovers over the button that will launch nuclear Armageddon? To know that this is a President who feeds on resentment and unenlightened grandiosity? Who only listens to a handful of advisers and that the two most prominent are Dick Cheney and Karl Rove? Whose attitude about decision-making is "I don't want to hear information that contradicts what I already think?"
Someone needs to get Bush to cool it. His cronies should point out that in American politics there is the notion of a presidential legacy. That history has a way of judging presidents that can be very harsh. And right now, Bush's legacy is taking America for a ride down the toilet.
Nowhere man, don't worry,
Take your time, don't hurry,
Leave it all till somebody else
Lends you a hand.
George, why don't you get out of Washington for a while? Take some trips. Hang out in Crawford. Speak at some fascist fundraisers - you love doing those. Just stay out of the White House, where you do more harm than good. Why'll you're at it, give everyone in the White House an extended vacation. We don't need to see any more of Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, Scott McClellan, or your other cronies.
Dubya, if you can't do something to help America, then don't do anything. Go somewhere, anywhere, nowhere.
He's a real nowhere man,
Sitting in his nowhere land,
Making all his nowhere plans
For nobody.