Those who know my work of 6 years in the forefront of the 9/11 truth movement, know my focus is action that exposes ever larger segments of the public on the need for a new 9/11 investigation. I do NOT spend time attacking other activists, but applauding the ones breaking truth OUT to the public. Many of you will know I've invested countless hours applauding YOU and YOUR EFFORTS, and urging others to support YOU and YOUR EFFORTS.
HOWEVER, I feel compelled to address the issue of movement infiltration, and how we can all avoid being manipulated by it. It is really much simpler than you might think. Those hired to create chaos in a movement will always make things seem complicated. But, in the simplest terms the 9/11 truth movement is a collective of people who want a new 9/11 investigation. PERIOD. Anything more than that is beyond the point, although they'll try to tear us apart with fine points. This article is written to illuminate the patterns, so we can end them. We are too near truth breaking out to remain unconscious of the machinations of movement infiltrators.(Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher).
“. . . they [the majority of Americans] shall come to realize what I now realize… that the 9/11 Truth Movement are the real patriots in 21st century America!"
-- Steve Alten, New York Times Best Selling Novelist (author of “The Shell Game”)
COINTELPRO was an FBI program designed to infiltrate the anti-war movement of the 1960s and create chaos within the movement, infighting, and also to urge the movement to behave in ways that would get the mass public to turn their minds off from the important truths they (the peace movement) offered the public. This is public record. The FBI did this.
Most people who have spent much time in the 9/11 truth movement, know that 9/11 was most likely an inside job, involving people at the highest echelons of this government, given existing evidence. Therefore, you’d have to be extremely naïve to think that the powers that be would not have planned an extensive cointelpro type plan to fight any attempts at truth on this false flag operation breaking out to the mainstream public.
Part of the plan is obviously media plants. We know from former CIA Director William Colby’s public statement that there is no media of any significance in the United States not controlled by the CIA. We’ve seen how the media has eviscerated ANYONE who challenges the increasingly problematic official 9/11 story. Then Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney [photo below] was one of the first to feel the full wrath of the media on 9/11 questioning, followed by Charlie Sheen, and later Rosie O’Donnell. Of course 9/11 truth researchers David Ray Griffin, Steven Jones, etc. felt it as well.
However, the media is only part of cointelpro disinformation meant to limit or destroy truth movements. What is at the heart of it, are people who claim to be “truth seekers” and who will actually do some modicum of peripheral truth work, but when large opportunities arise to actually break truth out into the mass mind . . . these peripheral players will come out of the woodwork, not only attacking the opportunity, but unloading both barrels in viscious attacks on anyone supporting that opportunity. They will have reasoned arguments, and they will come from a dozen directions.
Most will be people no one has really heard of in the movement, although some will be peripheral players. Then again some will just be pseudo-intellectual naïve people who want to seem smart, so when they hear agents attack, they having no idea they are being manipulated just jump in so that they seem as smart as the other person attacking someone is.
When explosive events or pushes have started, “Loose Change,” “The Eleventh Day of Every Month” campaign, “WeAreChange,” etc. etc. I heard so-called truth activists warning “eeewww, we don’t know them, you shouldn’t trust them. They are too in your face, too this, or too that.” Again, some were just people dittoing what they’d heard . . . but I believe the source of much of this came from people who were placed to create chaos in the truth movement. Keep us splintered small and arguing amongst ourselves on details of how we act . . . or don’t act.
If you look over the timeline of real progress for the 9/11 truth movement, you’ll see that those who’ve done the research or activism that really has the potential of breaking this truth wide open . . . have without exception been attacked mercilessly . . . and not just by corporate media . . . but by so-called 9/11 truth activists. What you’ll find if you look at these “THE JEWS DID IT” or “SPACE BEAMS BLEW UP THE TOWERS” activists, or other puritanical so called truth activists . . . they share one thing in common . . .
. . . the one thing they share in common . . . is if you take the time to read through the threads in the 9/11 truth blogs, etc. . . . these people NEVER have action plans to get truth out widely . . . what these people have in common is they spend ALL their time attacking other 9/11 truth activists . . . THIS IS HOW YOU TELL WHO’S FOR REAL. DO THEY SPEND THEIR TIME ON CAMPAIGNS TO BREAK OUT INTO THE MASS MIND THE DEMAND FOR A NEW 9/11 INVESTIGATION . . . OR . . . DO THEY SPEND ALL THEIR TIME TRASHING OTHER ACTIVISTS AND ANY PLANS WHICH CAN GET 9/11 TRUTH OUT TO THE MAINSTREAM.
Yesterday "The Shell Game" author went on MAINSTREAM talk radio and called for "a new 9/11 investigation!" He accused Cheney of the War Games and an effective Air Force stand down on 9/11/2001. He accused CIA insiders of pre-knowledge of the 9/11 attacks and making inside stock trades before 9/11/2001. He condemned Bill Clinton and others who’ve attacked 9/11 truth activists, and gone on to say that 9/11 truth activists are the greatest patriots of our time and deserve our support, not scorn.
Do I agree with this author on everything? NO. So, do I spend my time trying to tear the man apart for what I do not agree with him on? Or do I welcome in another human being who is standing with me to demand a new 9/11 investigation?
If my real goal, my real heart’s desire is to create a mass movement that will build a mass movement, a diverse coalition to DEMAND A NEW 9/11 INVESTIGATION . . . then of course I will do everything I can to get this man in front of every camera and radio mic I can, by spreading info about his new explosive book . . . so that he can tell as many Americans as possible that we NEED A NEW 9/11 INVESTIGATION, AND THAT 9/11 WAS AN INSIDE JOB . . . AND THAT THEY SHOULD STAND “WITH” AND NOT “AGAINST” 9/11 TRUTH ACTIVISTS . . .