“Where there is no vision, the people perish.”
-- Proverbs, 29:18
I want to start this by absolutely thanking much of the 9/11 leadership in research and activism, not only for all they’ve done and do for 9/11 truth . . . but also, for having the vision, to see that we’ve recently had a golden egg dropped in our laps.
Because of 9/11 movers and shakers seeing with the upcoming 9/11 truth telling novel “The Shell Game”, by a N.Y. times best selling author . . . a “grand opportunity,” and thru telling their email lists, radio listeners, event attendees, and website/blog readers about “The Shell Game” . . . it has spiked up with each announcement on amazon, which is critical to all our work for truth.
HOWEVER, THERE IS MUCH MORE TO DO. Please read on to see a “crisis” within the movement. The Chinese character for crisis is made up of two other characters, one is “danger” and the other is “opportunity.”
This campaign to help “The Shell Game,” (see TheShellGame.net) help us, has helped illuminate the “danger” of what I see as “9/11 truth fundamentalism,” and also the “opportunity” to move beyond that into the mainstream mind of America in a way that we can only achieve by overcoming “fundamentalist” tendencies in the movement.
Let me explain:
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