There are a lot of ways of interpreting just what it was that she revealed, and why it's important.
Gary Hart, for example, wrote recently about Hillary's "Breaking the Final Rule" when she "severely damaged the Democratic candidate who may well be the party's nominee, and, perhaps most ominously, revealed the unlimited lengths to which she will go to achieve power." That politics is a tough game, Hart said, "does not mean that it must also be rule-or-ruin, me-first-and-only-me, my way or the highway. That is not politics. That is raw, unrestrained ambition for power that cannot accept the will of the voters."
That's important. But I believe that what was revealed has deeper overtones still. What Hillary did reveals that ON THE MOST FUNDAMENTAL ISSUE OF OUR TIMES, HILLARY CLINTON IS ON THE WRONG SIDE.
Hillary has now revealed something absolutely central to understanding where she stands on that vital historical challenge America must now meet.
What is essential to recognize is the implication of her willingness to resort to the very tactics that the Bushite regime has used in degrading what's best about America.
In the wake of World War II, there emerged in West Germany a new democratic state built essentially along liberal lines akin to those of American democracy. Except-- into the basic law of the new German state were enshrined prohibitions that would be blatant violations of our American Bill of Rights. In Germany, certain kinds of hatred, certain kinds of bigotry against specific groups, would not be allowed expression, would be treated as crimes.
The history of the Nazi regime had made those destructive patterns so repugnant that the Germans reconstructing that society felt impelled to repudiate them utterly, even at the cost of a small zone of liberty.
In America over the past seven years, certain political tactics have been central to evil's doing its work in degrading America. One of these is the attempt by political leaders to fan the flames of the people's fear and to exploit that fear for one's own purposes. With their fear-mongering, the Bushites manipulated the nation into a disastrous war whose real purposes were other than those told the public to gain their support. And it has been through the fostering of excessive fear that this regime has manipulated the public into supporting its unprecedented assault on the American Constitution and the rule of law.
History changes the meanings of things. When JFK campaigned for the presidency on the "missile gap" at the end of the Eisenhower era, the "fear card" did not have the meanings it has now. Fear is almost always a way of diminishing a people's ability to use its higher mental processes, and to be guided by its best values. But in America today, fear-mongering by leaders is something so central to the stink of evil that anyone truly outraged by this reign of evil would find it repugnant even to contemplate picking up such a stained and discredited tool.
Like the Germans who felt impelled to reject utterly the kind of inter-group hatred that had ben so central to the Nazi nightmare, Americans who are passionate about rejecting the degradations of this Bushite era would have a natural and powerful impulse to avoid any contact with that regimes major tools.
In the Biblical story of Solomon and the two women claiming the one survivor of their two newborn infants, the one who is motivated by envy is entirely willing to accept Solomon's trick judgment that the infant should be cut into two pieces to be given to each of the two women. The real mother, who is motivated by her love for the infant, cries out that the baby should be given to the other woman. Solomon of course then knows which of the women is the true mother, and the baby is given to her.
Similarly in Hillary Clinton's kitchen-sink strategy, she has inadvertently told us the central truth about her in relation to our nation's central issue: by her willingness to pick up the tools of the evil regime she's wanting to replace, she's shown that she's not really outraged by its evil.
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