I know, here we go again. Another psycho apparently breaks up with his girl friend, goes off his meds and then viola, shoots up an apparently random classroom on an unsuspecting campus. So now the question is: can a fertile imagination conjure up a plausible conspiracy theory? Well, let's connect some otherwise unconnected dots.
Does anyone consider possible that forces exist that are able to program certain discovered and accessible personalities to commit these mindless atrocities and then using environmental cues, spur them robotic like into action? Most will say no, despite a world full of evidence of people going mad and committing heinous murders and suiciding themselves at the same moment. The 21st century has been defined by these very same anomalies. It gets harder and harder to explain all these suicide bombers, hi jackers and lone gun men on our campuses, post offices and shopping malls across our great nation and world.
But my conspiracy theory materialized while watching the Media today tell the news. First I struck by the Media's portrayal of Barack Obama as being an extremely popular political figure drawing huge "populist" crowds at his rallies just like, now get this, and this is word for word, Jack kennedy, Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King. Then of course the description of the Campus shootings in coincidentally where else, Barack Obama's home state. The seeming randomness of it all, the friends of this shooter who never saw it coming even though this man had spent time at a Psycho ward for rehab. The psycho ward is a common denominator in so many of these on the spot, straw that broke the camel's back, go kill one time and out by suicide, killers. And of course it was just a random act that just happened to happen in Illinois.
It's a stretch and I could easily dismiss my imaginings if it wasn't so coincidental. And the clincher was another report on the popularity of Barack Obama. This report explained Obama's popularity as a symptom of American fatigue with established Establishment figures such as the Clinton's and McCains. My conclusion is this, the Establishment was indeed able to marginalize and contain the Anti Establishment messages of Ron Paul, Dennis Kucinnich and Mike Gravel. Barack Obama however, caught on like wild fire and now his candidacy has taken on a life of it's own. The establishment will not be denied. If Barack Obama ignores all these thinly veiled threats and indeed does pursue a populist agenda instead of being just another Establishment stooge and tool, history is a good gauge of what might happen. And the references are right in these MSM reports.
The question is and always has been, just who is this Establishment? Where is their true globalist home and what is their continued agenda for America's Government, power, wealth and blessings that they have usurped the control of? The answers to this lie in the truth on 9/11, the rigged elections of 2000 & 04, the Democratic wins in 06 with their subsequent Democrat capitulation in the time since. The Feds inflationary policy, banking scandals and the painful fallout for Americans and the over all diminution of America's Global prestige and stature, it's too much to be just a coincidence or to be blamed on just one man or Political party. Of course you trace this trail way back before 2000 but to me, never has it been so obvious as what we've seen in the last few years.
Watch your back Barack Obama. Martyrdom is not just an accomplishment for Mid Easterners or historical Religious figures. American History is strewn with the shortened lives of beautiful populist Martyrs. It's just in America we don't believe there's an Establishment that kills it's enemies. So we don't refer to fallen populist Anti Establishment leaders in our History as Martyrs. By the way, no matter how they may steal the election from you, many of us know that you beat the Clintons fair and square in the States,Town halls and on the Streets of this Nation. Oprah had nothing to do with your popularity, you helped her more than she helped you. Same can be said for all the other come lately high profile endorsements you have received. Some of us suspect they have all come to assimulate you into that higher realm of Establishment hierarchy. No one could fault you for wanting to survive, dead martyrs don't help anyone much anymore. But we can only hope that you don't totally sell out and then turn your back completely on those who have supported you and helped you get this far, The People.
One last thing, the blurb about one of the victims at N.I.U being a Vet who opted out of duty to go to school was an Ironic touch. Her parents felt she would be safer at college. Ironic, that was the media's word.