or http://hiddengenocide.blogspot.com What Autogenocide Means Auto comes from the Greek reflexive pronoun while genocide comes from the Latin words gens meaning "race, tribe" and -cider meaning "kill." (source: http://wikipedia.org) American Autogenocide is the deliberate, systematic and legal murder of American citizens by socially-engineering the die-off of populations that are "problematic" for the interests of wealth and power. Most victims prematurely die from social forces targeted at them to cause them to wear out by stress. This process is called "Weathering Away" or "Attrition By Stress." Although it has to be "legal," autogenocide is always committed under the radar so the media won't be compelled to report it and so the people won't see it or understand it. More, the genocide is blamed on the victims and their deaths are hidden-attributed-to other causes rather than the primary one of autogenocide. What is different between this genocide and other genocides is that this unique genocide doesn't produce mass graves. Instead, the victims are spread over a large geographic area and buried singly, thereby hiding the body count. This keeps the deaths sanitized and homogenized. It also keeps the autogenocide surreal; thus enabling the village to deny It's existence when clues to It's existence are ambundant and abundantly transparent. Six Primary Factors to Genocide There are six primary factors underlying genocide.
- The first factor is an overpopulation of people from groups that are not economically or socially important and/or viable to the political and economic elite.
- The second factor is that genocides usually happen in times of shortages. The shortage behind the current American autogenocide is work. America is losing jobs while the population continues to grow. The wealthy and industry are loathe to pay taxes to support negative or low producers (useless eaters) because the costs of maintaining these people (via increased taxes and social costs) affects their profits and earnings. More, when there are too many people in times of great shortages, they become restless and can group together to force democratic and social changes the economic/political/military elite don't want and work tirelessly and relentlessly against.
- The third factor is that genocides are common to patriarchal societies. The stronger the institutional and cultural patriarchy, the stronger the chances for acts of genocide to exist, whether external or internal.
- The fourth factor is a threat to power (now or in the future). For example, approximately one-third of all Americans are minorities and that number is expected to rise unless that population begins to die off. If minorities become the majority, the old, established rule of the country by white male elite will not hold for long unless the country becomes a dictatorship.
- The fifth factor is that women and children are the primary targets. Women are exterminated because of their fertility. Eliminate them and the next generation of unwanted people will automatically be eliminated or at least be considerably downsized. This applies to the elimination of children as well.
- The sixth factor is that modern autogenocides don't happen without the help of the media. They constantly distribute the propaganda preparing the village psyche for acceptance of the deaths. They officially ignore the suffering and premature death, thus lending approval to its justification and execution. As good servants to the status quo, the media "hides" the parts of America the ruling and economic elite don't want the majority of the village to see. Only when a fluke thing happens, like an Act of God like Hurricane Katrina, will America see its other, darker side. Now even that has faded and become buried as the national media has mostly forgotten it at the request of their elite masters. Autogenocide has to be hidden until all the people that are considered liabilities (debit people) in the books of the Patriarchal Capitalist Country are disappeared.
- Retributive genocide may play a role in all genocide. It is usually rare as a principle motive and used mainly as a rationalization. It usually flows from the dehumanization attached to victims.
- Institutional genocide was politically sanctioned mass murder in ancient and medieval times. It is a universal result of conquest and is an inherent form of warfare. It is motivated by the desire to terrorize and exert dominative power and eliminate any possible retaliation.
- Utilitarian genocide was very prominent from the 16th to 19th centuries. It is used for the colonial domination and exploitation of indigenous peoples, although many would argue that the free market system dominates and exploits all groups of people who have no economic or political power. The basic proposition of utilitarian genocide is that some people must die so others can live well and the major force driving it is ethnocentrism and greed.
- Monopolistic genocide is a tool for the elite to monopolize and centralize power in the hands of a few. The most frequent cause of genocide in the 20th century and early 21st century has been the struggle to monopolize power. Most genocide prior to the 20th century was external with the goal of conquest and colonial expansion. Today, most genocide is internal or domestic (groups within the same territorial boundaries are destroyed). Issues not at stake in external genocide are the center of internal genocide: who belongs; who is to have voice in politics; what is the shape of the community; what should the purposes of community be.
- Ideological genocide is the fifth type of genocide. Religion usually provides a rationale. In many cases, the genocides are carried out to protect and defend a particular religious faith, including certain forms of nationalism. Camus explained ideological genocide as a metaphysical revolt against humanity in which an attempt is made to create/reestablish a system providing for order and justice that humanity thought to be lacking. At the same time, ideological genocide strives for a type of salvation that strives to eliminate all that is perceived to be impure.
- Retributive: The Jews had to be punished for killing Christ and for controlling finance. They and other "enemies of the state" had to be punished for running down decent society in general.
- Institutional: Nazis mass-murdered large groups of people, usually with the help of locals. All was politically-sanctioned.
- Utilitarian: Some people had to die so others could live well.
- Monopolistic: Nazi Germany committed both external and internal genocide. A premiere reason behind this was to monopolize power.
- Ideological: Untermenchen (sub-humans) and other defective people were dragging German society down. Religion provided the perfect rationale as the early Christian fathers and Martin Luther wrote/instructed that the Jews killed Jesus, thus were a cursed and hated people. This was taught for millennia in churches and theological schools.
- Retributive: Since Barry Goldwater in the 1960's, the conservatives have done nothing but attack and demonize/dehumanize the poor, until they lost all their perceived humanity. The lazy, tax-sucking, tax-dependent poor had to be morally "saved" by eliminating social safety nets so they would be "motivated to work" when in reality, there was little if any work for them and certainly no work that paid a living wage.
- Institutional: The old, established order of elite males rule by terror or what is known as the "patriarchal authority of violence." Institutional genocide reinforces this kind of violence. The autogenocide going on in America right now is politically-sanctioned mass murder. It is politically sanctioned through legislation and through non-legislation (e.g., the continued dismantling of social programs when they are needed more than ever and lack of energy, motivation to reinstate them) and through patriarchal institutions. More, it is politically sanctioned by bureaucracies, male institutions and the corporate-owned media.
- Utilitarian: Some people have to die so others can live well, including receiving more share of the community distribution of wealth and more chances for work.
- Monopolistic: Autogenocide is internal genocide. The autogenocide being committed against Americans is done to keep the wealth and power in the hands of the established white male order for now and for the future. Think of it as negative, "preemptive" population control to keep the System as it has existed for over two hundred years for the next two hundred years.
- Ideological: The conservative right claimed that the poor were dragging the country down morally and economically because they were costing society (living on welfare or getting some other public benefit) when in the "Land of Opportunity "anyone" who "really wanted" a job could get one. The right's "think-tanks" and other institutions launched and paid for "studies" to "prove" their ideologies in their favor. Afterwards, they flooded the social tapestry with "evidence" to sway public opinion in the corner of the right. In the late 1990's, the American village was constantly covered in propaganda from the government and media proclaiming a "perfect economy" and bemoaning that there were not enough workers to fill all the jobs available. Years later, all of this has been disproved, but it still worked: Part of the American autogenocide became more ideological because of the enormous propaganda released in American communities to stir up civil wars and xenophobia.
Why Autogenocide? In a 1978 letter of resignation from his position of president of the UAW, Douglas Fraser wrote, "I believe leaders of the business community, with few exceptions, have chosen to wage a one-sided class war today in our country --a war against working people, the unemployed, the poor, the minorities, the very young and the very old, and even many in the middle class of our society."
- 1. Autogenocide has been solving the population problems of the American elite since the beginning of the country. Its been applied in many different forms over the centuries: small pox blankets and starvation for Indians; cannons fired at protesters in the mid-1800's, the disappearances of little towns who resisted selling out to the Railroad Barons; the CIA introduction of crack to ghetto neighborhoods; criminalizing anything to keep the prisons full of members of certain groups; letting Dickensian poverty in its modern form make people suffer and die prematurely. Thus, American Autogenocide is "business as usual", making American Autogenocide inherently institutional.
- 2. American autogenocide hides the deficiencies of American-Anglo Saxon (AASAX) capitalism until it controls all the markets of the world. Capitalism, by its nature alone, simply cannot provide enough paying work for all the workers who need work in America. More, the number of jobs are declining while the number of workers is rising. Quite simply: industry has no use for many people.
- 3. Killing off the excess population is cheaper, easier and faster than having to deal with them. In capitalistic thought and lexicon, this is called "efficiency". Low, non or negative producers are costly for a pay-as-you-go, you're-on-your-own (YOYO), pull-yourself-up-with-your-bootsraps merchant society. People without work or with little work and/or without money, still need food, shelter, emergency help, medical care, so forth. Since the famous "restructuring" of the economy (which is also a restructuring of society back to a close resemblance of the old white patriarchal power hierarchy), more and more people "usually those from the lower tiers of society--can not earn enough money to properly live. This leads to tax money spent on social and emergency services. The rich complain that the tax money could have been better used" used for the priorities of the elite: tax reduction; reduction of capital gains taxes to zero; greater dividends to rich investor; huge salaries and pay packages to CEOs; so forth.
- 4. As mentioned above, the political and economic elite are restructuring society back to its original institutional, constitutional model of plutocracy and its support model, the elite patriarchal hierarchy of subordination.
- 5. Autogenocide is utilitarian but the sacrifice of the victims is not for the benefit of the village, but for the benefit of the economic and political elite.
- 6. Now that the country's infrastructure is in place and hardwired into the federal government, surplus people aren't needed and won't be needed in the future.
- 7. The wealthy elite and many big businesses are against paying taxes (cuts into their net profits) and governments (local, state and federal) have to raise taxes to support the poor and disenfranchised. Eliminate as much poor as you can so the demand for helping them (and for taxes to do it) drops.
- 8. Too many unwanted people might figure it out and organize themselves as a force to be reckoned with.
- 9. Too many people with no hope, no hope for the future and nothing to lose can result in organizing, protests, strikes and rage-fueled riots.
- 10. Too many poor, disenfranchised and/or minorities with votes threaten the established power and wealth structures. Within 50 years, it is projected that there will be more minorities than whites. This new majority could take out the elite, white patriarchal system. This makes the current autogenocide a "preemptive" genocide. It guarantees continued power and wealth of the elite by keeping the majority of votes in the hands of whites.
- 11. It is negative population control. America is running out of room for its current population which is continually expanding. Over population can result in greater pollution, social suffering and epidemics. In the mind of patriarchal leaders, somebody has to be removed, so the powerless "the people few will speak up for" are quietly and invisibly removed.
- 12. Autogenocide can remove enough people to let the earth heal so the rich and powerful can continue plundering it and enslaving the world's populations.
- 13. Symbolically and literally scapegoats and punishes the powerless for the deeds of the real culprits, the ruling and financial elite. Vents the anger and frustration of the remaining villagers at someone "safe" to blame.
- 14. It is a result of the natural institutional racism of the System.
- 15. It is a predictable result of corrupt patriarchal power.
- 16. It is modern witch-burning. Male economics has historically struggled with the problem of unemployed women and women without male sponsors. Patriarchal societies have historically responded by killing/burning them as witches. It is estimated that ten million people, mostly women, were killed as witches from 1400-1750 and most of these killings were related to economics, patriarchal control of females and the use of scapegoats to soothe the village's anger/tension over corruption, plagues, wars, so forth.
- 17. Arrogance and racism.
- 18. Pleasure and the thrill of being able to kill and get away with it.
- 19. Greed and selfishness.
- 20. Entrenches more power and wealth in the hands of elite.
- 21. Shapes reality and the country to the elite's patriarchal, market ideology, will and dreams.
- 22. Reduces the numbers in slums. Slums are incubators for plagues and civil wars or civil rights movements.
- 23. Thins out the middle-class. As with all patriarchal hierarchies, there are sub-hierarchies within them. Examples are the hierarchy of white women, the hierarchy of minorities (by skin color, gender, age, so forth). For example, the federal government has several categories for Hispanics, including "White Hispanic". There is also a sub-hierarchy for the middle-class. In the early days of the country, a small middle-class existed. Many modern politicians embellish the truth about the colonial middle-class to connect some kind of mystical American middle-class of yesteryear to the American middle-class of now. Its all propaganda. The colonial middle-class was small and more prominent along the sea coast. The Founding Fathers, most wealthy, untitled aristocrats, never intended for a large middle-class to exist in America. Only the descendants of the existing colonial middle-class were to be allowed to be middle-class. Constitutional scholars know this. Controlling the number of the middle-class worked for almost two hundred years until unionization, the GI Bill and other government programs helped villagers from the lower working class tiers strive to achieve the American Dream. The new middle-class became a problem for the traditional, inherited, historically- and politically- guaranteed white middle-class. Now that we are facing a work-less world, the elite has no use for such a large layer of middle-class. The primary reason is because they are expensive in a colonial capitalist system whose wealth was designed to accumulate in the hands of the few elite. The nouveau middle-class have come to expect work with decent wages and fringe benefits when the world is flooded with the unemployed, thus the privileges of the last half of the 20th century have become antiquated. This is one of the realities of the "invisible" hand of the market. Too many middle-class pose other problems for the elite: if there are too many of them, some will vote left or away from patriarchy. It may be legal, but it is a social faux pas against the masters of society. Autogenocide is the perfect way for the elite to thin out the classes so they are disappeared or more manageable. Not only that, everyone gets the invisible messages of terror, so they are more likely to do as they are told. Autogenocide tells everyone in the village what their place is and what happens to those who "fail" or "fall". It doesn't matter if the loser were destined to fail. In a highly materialistic, pay-as-you-go-society there are no margins for compassion and empathy. Those things don't make money but cost it. In the end, American autogenocide has always been about maintaining the current power structure and System, that acts like a modern (evolved) version of the the colonial period power structure and System. The only difference is that modern politicians don't wear broad-coats and powdered wigs. Faye Weldon, British writer and feminist said, "Everything has changed but nothing is different" about feminism. The same thing can be said about American government since its beginning to now.
- 24. New American Eugenics in a New American Gilded Age. Despite the weak laws and strong propaganda, America remains classiest and racist. Racism is unavoidable because it is institutional and because in patriarchal economies, where the elite receive the lion's share of the village's wealth, racism works as a selection tool to determine who gets the remaining crumbs and how much. The first Gilded Age was the era from post-Civil War/ post-Reconstruction Era from 1865 to 1930. This time in American history saw unprecedented economic, territorial, industrial, and population expansion. There was a great increase in ethnic and racial diversity. Social tensions grew as a result of a decreasing Anglo-Saxon majority. The economic gap between rich and poor was great. At the end of this Gilded Age, the elite of America and their institutions began supporting a pseudo-science called eugenics that promised to help solve the social problems of that age. From its beginning, eugenics has been supported by prominent thinkers, including Plato, Sir Francis Galton, Charles Darwin, Alexander Graham Bell, George Bernard Shaw, and Winston Churchill, and was an academic discipline at many colleges and universities. American Eugenics was conceived at the onset of the twentieth century and was implemented by America's wealthiest, most powerful, most learned and most influential individuals and institutions, including the Carnegie Institution, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Harriman railroad fortune (the Bush family fortune comes from deep, intimate business relationships with the Harriman family), Harvard University, Princeton University, Yale University, Stanford University, the American Medical Association, Margaret Sanger, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Robert Yerkes, Woodrow Wilson, the American Museum of Natural History, the American Genetic Association and a sweeping array of government agencies from the obscure Virginia Bureau of Vital Statistics to the U.S. State Department. American eugenicists sought to methodically terminate all the racial groups, ethnic groups and social classes they disliked, feared or deemed a threat to established power, then or later on. Their goal was to sterilize fourteen million people in the United States and millions more worldwide ("the lower tenth"). Afterwards, they planned to eradicate the remaining lowest tenth until only a pure Nordic super race remained on the face of the earth. American eugenicists exported their philosophy to nations throughout the world including Nazi Germany. More, American elite, through foundations, gave grants to Germany for its eugenics program. The American Eugenics Society was organized in 1921, following the Second International Conference on Eugenics held in New York City in that year. In 1972, the American Eugenics Society was reorganized and renamed The Society for the Study of Social Biology. These modern economic times have been called the New Gilded Age because it compares with the first Gilded Age. Today's economic and social conditions, including the enormous inequality that is becoming greater (the gap between the elite and the poor), mirror those of yesteryear. White Supremacist books like The Bell Curve have once been legitimized and praised by the status quo. Eugenic ideas are circulating again, but this time with fury, thus greater power. Eugenics and genocide is synonymous. This is because eugenics provides a big justification for genocide. A 1911 study, financed by the Carnegie Institution, identified eighteen possible methods of implementing eugenics in American and around the world. Gas chambers were deemed to be the most effective method, but it was felt that American society was not yet prepared to accept them (and this is where the Germans got first got their idea for gas chambers). Thus,a number of other eugenic methods were adopted, most notably mass sterilization. By marshaling government forces to continually identify and sterilize those citizens deemed unfit for reproduction, it was estimated that the ultimate goal of the master race could be achieved over a period of generations. The world is running out of any kind of paying work and because work in America is rewarded and rewarded along patriarchal-defined class lines, the bottom twenty percent "mostly minorities, single adult women, disabled, gays/lesbians (despite the media hype, many are poor), the poor, so forth" will be hopelessly unemployed in the future. What is to be done with these people that industry and power elite have no use for and are loathe to support? These people are negative numbers on the balance sheets of a corporate country. As before-mentioned (#3), it is easier, cheaper and faster to kill undesired groups of people than to help them live decently.
- "How are these women and their children supposed to survive on part-time work and no welfare?" I asked. "Don't you know that many women and children are going to die if you do this?" I could hear his frustration with me as the tone of his voice changed on the other end of the phone line. Exasperated, he told me, "Okay, Martha, I am going to tell you something off the record. If you ever tell anyone, I will deny it." I listened carefully as he proceeded to tell me something that shocked me all the way to the core of my being. First, he asked me, "What do you know about farming?" I replied, "What does farming have to do with women not getting work?" He replied, "A lot and I'll get to that in a moment." Then he told me that economists, industry and politicians knew that the 'flush' economy was going to last until around the year 2000 (he was right), and then 'welfare reform' would have to be shelved because the more privileged people in society would demand all the remaining jobs of a slagging economy. This didn't happen because the Will of the Elite became too powerful and entrenched, plus the virtual war on "terror" that sucks all the money out of the treasury and spent on the new police state instead of citizens who are going to die from governmental neglect. The local politician told me that in the interim, someone, namely women and children, had to be sacrificed. Yes, he said, politicians knew that some innocent people were going to die, but 'welfare reform' was a 'red button' political issue that 'had to be addressed' because the middle-class and the upper-classes did not want to pay taxes to support disadvantaged people. Therefore, some of the most powerless people had been targeted for elimination from society. "It is no big deal," he told me, "Every society does it. Think of it in these terms: Farmers don't keep animals that cost more than they produce. People in power have to make those same decisions regarding people just like farmers have to make the same decisions regarding livestock. Someone has to control the size of the herd. Unlike animals, it is the powerless, not the sick or lame, that are selected to be removed. Politicians have to make difficult, executive decisions for their constituents, even if it seems unfair. That's what they are elected for and they are giving the voters what they really want. If politicians refuse to make these decisions, they won't get reelected. There are lots of people willing to run for office and make those executive decisions if the current politicians won't do it. These choices are natural and a fact of life, Martha. I told you, every society does it." Surprised and confused, I replied, "Wait a minute, are you telling me that our society intentionally kills our own people, even women and children, only because the wealthy don't want to share? That these deaths are intentionally planned? Don't the wealthy know that poverty is one of the 'natural' byproducts of capitalism, that capitalism depends on an official 'average' five percent unemployed to hold it up? Are you telling me that all politicians, local ones to national ones, not only know about this murder but willingly participate in it?" "All of them know about it, Martha," he told me. "Now you do, too. Don't ever call me again and don't ever quote me. I'll deny I ever told you this." "Wait!" I said, "How you can be a part of this and live with your conscience?"