In February Congress approved and the President signed into law an economic stimulus package. My congressman, Vern Buchanan [R-Fl 13], supported the package which includes a tax rebate check for low- income individuals, including those on Social Security and disabled veterans who pay no income taxes .This could not have come a moment too soon for millions of deserving Americans.
Many senior citizens who have not filed income tax forms now in order to receive their rebate check must file a tax form for 2007. If you have filed income taxes on more than $3000 in income for 2007, no extra steps are needed. However, if you have not filed a tax form, here are the necessary steps and some helpful sources of information for you.
Write the words “Stimulus Payment” across the top of a 1040A form.
On the 1040A form, fill out the label section with your name, address, and social security number.
In box 14a, fill out your actual or estimated Social Security income for 2007.
If you want your rebate check to be direct deposit, fill out lines 44 b, c. and d.
Sign the return and mail to :
Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service
Kansas City, Mo 64999-0015
A1040A form can be found at The IRS strongly recommends that seniors file no later than April 15, 2008; however, the final deadline for filing is October 15, 2008.
Vern Buchanan, Member of Congress, R-Fl13, April 8,2008