1. We did it
2. We didn't do it, its Geological or its cyclic and solar in cause.
3. It's a plot by the greens. (a la millennium bug)
In Australia the majority running seems to be by Media owned by that paragon of integrity and public interest.... Your new citizen of opportunism Rupert Murdock.He controls or influences 80% of our printed titles and likewise pay TV. Murdock is not known for allowing his media outlets to publish articles that might harm his interests. In a recent media blip the other printed news group commissioned a story by an independent journalist (Eric Ellis) to write a researched article on Murdock's wife. At the last minute it was spiked, Murdock owns 14% of that paper group too and was said to be miffed. Funnily enough, there was reputed to be very little in the article that wasn't already known.
Well Eric might now have a best selling book.
These same explainers front the newest anti global warming campaign. One not surprisingly one is Murdock's top "journalist/columnist" right wing attack dog. This same individual has been a long-term apologist for John Howard's right winged government (assorted wars and warlets included). This support hasn't harmed Murdock's interests oddly enough. I'm not implying collusion but Murdock knows which side his bread's buttered especially with new bandwidths becoming available.
But perhaps the most worrying bit is that journos seem to think that a degree in journalism gives them the skill and knowledge to second guess scientists in the field who have been studying the phenomenon for 30 years. One wonders at the hubris of some journalists. A search of relevant scientific articles seems to indicate vast majority of scientists worldwide largely agree (not with standing personal identity stamping).
Sure, they can ask questions but science is not the same as politics. One doesn't need particular skills to be a politician or comment on it (even I can do that)... it would be a brave person who claimed that GWB has a towering intellect or wisdom. There is a second front coming from scientific skeptics. Unfortunately, those scientists are usually out of their fields. Examples of this are the inorganic Chemist who is the attack dog for "intelligent design" and commentator on evolution or the Geologist who claims that global warming is geologic.If I understand the Geologist correctly and if this is a geological event it can plunge us into an Ice age in less than 100 years where we can remain for 12000 years. Some delay on that tropical holiday? If by some it is part of a 12 year solar cycle . Given I've been around for a few Cycles how come the issues were seeing now haven't happened before namely the melting of land locked glaciers and increased melting of ice shelves?
All that aside, it strikes me that the cause of global warming as pretty much a moot point to the victims. I'm sure the people of New Orleans weren't all that concerned about who or what was responsible for the Class 5 Cyclone that devastated their homes. Like most citizens, they did expect their Government to provide relief and now some measure of protection against those that are coming.
The most deliberately misunderstood part of global warming is that it will turn Rocky Mountain high into either a desert or tropical paradise...Tomorrow. In reality that's a long time away but it's wild weather in some parts and the lack or rain in others is what we need to plan for.
A number of cartoonists in the US helped support the skeptics by drawing the recent big freeze with characters ridiculing Global Warming. Murdoch's papers are well represented.There is a new doco doing the rounds called "A Crude Awakening" the point of which is to emphasise the Arabic prophecy " My grand father rode a camel, My father drove a Rolls Royce, I fly a plane, My son will dive a small car My grandson will ride a camel" In short, oil is running out. Who cares what motivation we use to preserve what's left for things other than transportation only that we use it wisely. Even if Global Warming is a dud, how would civilization been harmed by conservation and developing other forms of energy?
Consider how much less pollution there would be. Streams, groundwater and air quality would all improve. In the French/Swiss Alps the mountain trees are dying along side of the roads to the tunnels due of vehicle pollution. The side effect of the death of these trees will be landslides in prolonged wet periods as well as avalanches in times of extreme snow. The loss of life consequently is real.
If new vehicle fuels emissions were to alleviate or cure issues like this where's the problem. Imagine being able to breathe LA, Melbourne or Beijing air all the time with out the fear of developing respiratory problems.The consequences of pollution are worldwide and undeniable they're just not sexy or headline grabbing.
In reality, big business doesn't want change so look out for their Trojan Horses.They usually start by quickie on the news, then stories on current affairs programs and then full blown 'specials' we have one soon. The shorts imply it's not happening and that the Green alternative industries are behind it.Like the man says "how much can a Koala bear?"