Tell Durbin to go ahead and lead the filibuster even if they don't have enough votes. He is the Senate Minority Whip and he should be pulling
the Dems together. Tell him that his opposing Alito is very good, but without a filibuster is irrelevant.
Free numbers: 1-866-340-9281 and 1-866-340-9279
Durbin: 202-224-2152
"Kennedy, describing the confirmation battle as the 'vote of a generation' for its potential long-term impact on the balance on the court, called Alito's record 'clear and ominous' on issues of executive power. 'The record demonstrates that we cannot count on Judge Alito to blow the whistle when the president is out of bounds,' he said." [My emphasis]
Kennedy: 202-224-4543
Thanks for all you are doing. It is the calls, emails and faxes of we the people who are reaching the Dems.
Sheila Parks is a Boston activist and can be reached at