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Seven Days to Go! Clint Curtis for Congress Campaign

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7 More Days to Go!
Clint Curtis for Congress Campaign

In This Update:

* What You Can Do
* Events
* What People Are Saying
* Campaign News
* Reform News
* A Note from Clint

Help is needed! Let us know what you can do. The more money you send, the more we can arrange for TV and radio at this crucial time. Let's bring it home! Thank you for all you are doing! This is it! The time is NOW! We have come this far. We need a to finish strong. Call Marty 954-732-1112.

To win, we want to beat Feeney and the machines. We want to sign voters up on VoteNow2006 at the polls. We did it very successfully in the primary. We need you now to do it again. This is the one that REALLY counts!

For in-depth information on all of Clint's positions: www.clintcurtis.com/issues.ht ml

Spotlight on "Energy Independence"
This country gives an average of $233 million per day to oil rich countries to provide for our energy needs. When Clint was working with Tom Feeney in 2000, during a discussion of the Middle East, Mr. Feeney made a statement about the usefulness of an invasion in order to secure control of that region's oil. Isn't it odd that the administration chose to liberate a small country that just happened to have the third largest reserves of conventional oil in the world? When so many people in the world continue to live under dictatorial and dangerous regimes, the idea that the only reason was that Saddam was a dangerous dictator isn't very convincing.

Clint proposes an energy policy that gives the power to control our own destiny back to America. It is possible today, with existing technology, to make America 100% energy independent. Even better, America can become 100% energy independent with a constantly renewable energy supply. By switching this country from fossil fuels to bio-diesel this country could fill all its fuel needs - both now and into the future. It would reduce pollutants and deny the Middle Eastern countries any control over us our world politics. We can achieve full energy independence without the need to occupy the Middle East or any other country for economic reasons.

Americans have always equated diesel power with the huge slow work trucks and 18-wheelers. Existing technology can provide a bio-diesel car than gets 40 miles per gallon and yet has sports car speeds of 0-60 in 8.4 seconds. That is faster than a BMW325, a Buick Regal with a 455hp engine, a 1967 Camaro SS350, or a new top of the line Honda.

There is a whole new breed of diesel engines emerging right now. Just look at the results of this year's 24 Hour Le Mans endurance race. Recognized by many as the most gruelling endurance road race on earth. Audi entered the history books this year by winning the race for the first time ever in a diesel engined car. Mass production of bio-diesel has been estimated as low as 27 cents per gallon. By the time the oil companies have transported and dispensed it through the existing fuel network, the cost will probably be a little higher.

Vietnam cost 65,000 deaths and hundreds of thousands of casualties. In just the short time we have been in Iraq we have already suffered over 50,000 casualties and thousands of deaths. What will the cost of a 25 year war, like Vietnam, actually be?

It is in our national security interest to migrate toward energy independence.

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You'll find other ways to help between now and November 7th in the following section.

What You Can DO!

Great ways to spread the word:
Forwarding a copy of this email is simple. If you can recruit friends to join us, please do. Attend the Space Coast Fair, November 2nd-7th. Victory Team Clint Curtis will be there to validate the vote.

Another way to get the word out: Watch this YouTube Trailer [2:12 min.] Order your Truth in the Booth: The Clint Curtis Story [37 min.] Have people over and share what has happened to our democracy and why Clint is running. Get several copies! Distribute them! $10.00 for one; $50 for a dozen. http://www.clintcurtis.com/co ntact.htm

Clint Curtis Website Check it out!

Listen to Clint's Ads On the Issues or Take the Test, Tom!

Advertising has begun. All TV ads are up and running. www.clintcurtis.com .

Lie / Die commercial - Watch on the Net!

**NEW***Apples and Oranges commercial - Watch on the Net!

Drop in! Clint Curtis for U.S. Congress - Hotline: 954-732-1112.
Office in Daytona Beach: 112 E Orange Blvd, Daytona Beach, FL 32114.
Office in Cocoa: 1261 Kings Hwy (RT 520,) Cocoa, FL, 32922.

Free T-Shirt while they last and a free DVD to anyone who gives 2 hours to the campaign. Lots of fun opportunities to be part of the Victory Team. Current needs: Early vote -- Get Clint the vote and get it counted & sign waving; Election Day -- Validate the vote & sign waving. Contact marty@go-nci.com to sign up. 954-732-1112.

Yard Signs in full swing! - Call Marty 954-732-1112 to get your yard signs. Put them out now! Special Note: "Take the Test, Tom" signs available in small number. Be specific if you want the "Take the Test, Tom" sign. One volunteer is going out mornings and afternoons on his corner and he's waving a Clint Curtis sign for about an hour! He gets lots of waves and honks for Clint! Let marty@go-nci.com know if you want a bigger easy-to-store, folding sign for corner activism.

Vote Early!
Early Voting started on October 23rd - November 4th. Vote early to make sure nothing stops you from casting your ballot. Encourage others to do the same. Make sure you register your vote at www.VoteNow2006.net If you need a ride to the polls, or know anyone who does, please contact marty@go-nci.com or call 954-732-1112.

Register You Vote NOW on www.VoteNow2006.net !
Be proactive! We want to beat Feeney AND the MACHINES. Record your vote on www.VoteNow2006.net. If Clint believes that the poll results have been manipulated, an email will be generated to you asking you to get in touch with Clint Curtis. Once you get in touch with him, Clint will then have a piece of paper to take to court. Your vote will count for sure!

Validate the Vote!
Phone-banking is key to our success! Daytona Beach - Henry 386-767-3330. Cocoa - Marty 954-732-1112.

Join the "5 Phone Calls a Night for 5 Nights" campaign!
Call from your home. (1) Talk to people about the issues; and (2) Get the voters out to the polls. Can you make 5 calls a night for 5 nights? It only takes 15 minutes a night We have a short script and instructions to make it simple. It's ready to be emailed to you. Contact Henry 386-767-3330 or go to http://volunteer.clintcurtis.com and be part of the solution to restore democracy.

Canvassing - Give two hours to let people know about Clint Curtis in his district. Daytona Beach - Marty 954-732-1112. Cocoa - Mark 321-543-0766. Friday and/or Saturday in October. Rumor from the road - Canvassers are getting a very positive response with Independents and even some Republicans! Go Clint!

Staff the Offices - Grassroots politics. Join in the fun! Contact Marty 954-732-1112.

Promote the "Five Dollars for Democracy" campaign!
Go to Five Dollars for Democracy to contribute to our $5 for Democracy campaign. Become a "Five Dollars for Democracy" promoter by telling friends and posting to blogs and forums. Include the link to Five Dollars for Democracy in the messages you post.

Post messages about the Clint Curtis campaign on blogs, forums, yahoo groups.

Urge Democrat Candidate Groups to Support Clint Curtis! Clint Curtis is the candidate who can expose Tom Feeney and election fraud in one fell swoop! Be polite! Be direct! Be brief!

Meet Ups!
Want to connect with like-minds in a friendly social setting? Consider joining Clint's team at Meetup.com. Orlando and Daytona Beach meetups underway currently.

Join us in My Space

Truth in the Booth DVD's going like hotcakes! Get yours! Contact marty@clintcurtis.com ; 954-732-1112. $10.00 donation for 1 DVD ($15.00 w/shpg); $50.00 donation for 12 DVDs; Order via www.clintcurtis.com/dvd.htm . It will knock your socks off! Watch this YouTube Trailer [2:12 min.]

Calling all states! All hands on deck!
Sign up now! Join citizens from around the country, helping us here in District 24, to spread the word about Clint and verifiable elections. The results of THIS race will affect the entire nation by showing elected officials that every vote must be counted in every state. Whether phone calling, blogging, telling the media about Clint, or contributing to the "Five Dollars for Democracy" campaign, please get involved! We'll make it very easy for you. You'll feel empowered..

Response to "conventional wisdom" that Tricksters use to divert:

Beware of Spinmaster Zones!
Tricksters attack the messenger for sport as a diversion from their own wretched record. The American public will no longer accept such tricks. We plan to always reframe to the issues of honesty and integrity: Take the Test, Tom!

*UPDATE:Clint is scheduling a lie-detector test in the week. Look for announcement at www.clintcurtis.com

These are exciting times! The constituents of District 24 demand that Tom Feeney take a lie-detector test, answering these three questions (based on Clint's testimony on a sworn affidavit, Li nk to Affidavit PDF):

1. Have you ever illegally sold your vote for personal gain?

2. Have you ever assisted a company that has been illegally engaged in espionage against this country?

3. Have you ever attempted to illegally manipulate election results?

These questions are based on incidents that Clint Curtis witnessed first hand when he worked with Feeney in 2000.


11/02/06-11/07/06 Space Coast Fair - Validate the Vote with Team Curtis! Brevard County Expo Center. It will be fun! 500 Friday Road, Cocoa, FL 32926.

11/03/06 Sign waving - Edgewater (Indian River Blvd and US 1) and Cocoa (520 and US 1), 4:30pm.

11/04/06 - Parade - Orlando (Goldenrod Station Rt 426), Clint will be riding in his Corvette!! Come show your support! 7:30am.

11/04/06 - Pot Luck and Victory Team Meeting. Call Marty 954-732-1112 for more info.

11/07/06 Election Day - All Day. Someday, we hope that election day will be a national holiday so that employment is not jeopardized when we vote. Clint feels the same way.

11/07/06 Victory Parties: Two choices. Marty for more info 954-732-1112.
Edgewater, Ritchie's Place, 2576 S US Hwy 1, 386-426-1333.
New Smyrna Beach, South East Volusia Club, Methodist Church

Updated events - Visit Our Online Calendar!

What People Are Saying About Clint

*Union Endorsement
Transportation Workers Union of America, NASA Local 525
Teamsters Local 385

*Democrat Club Endorsements
Progressive Democrats of America (National)
Progressive Democrats of America (PDA-Volusia)
Democracy for America (DFA-Florida)
Democracy for America (DFA Miami)
Rainbow Democrats Club (RDC-Central Florida)

*Media Endorsements - The lastest in Clint Curtis news!
Daytona Beach News-Journal (Local)
Bradblog (National)
OpEdNews.com (National)
Esquire Magazine (National)
FlaPolitics.com (State)
Rense.com (National)
Orlando Sentinel's Mike Thomas (Local) - Credible Clint Curtis! Tomfoolery Feeney!

*Progressive Support -
Deltona Votes!
Humane Society
ActBlue.com&a mp;n bsp;- Includes: Take Back The Congress, The Peace Team, My Daily Donation, and Progressive Brevard Candidates. $23,335.43 raised so far for Clint Curtis.

*If we have missed an endorsement, please forgive us and Contact Us. Thank you!

Top issue amongst voters? Will our votes count, outside of the Clint Curtis' race without utilizing www.votenow2006.net ? Good question! If you are listening to Washington, you'd think there was no problem at all. For some reason, the Bush Administration thinks it is impossible for them loss either of the Houses in Congress. What is it that makes them so confident? Hmmmm. Could it be Election Fraud?

Let's Examine Integrity! - Feeney as Florida Speaker of the House saw to the redistricting for the 24th Congressional District, so that it would be a solid Republican lock, and then he ran for that district. But is it a lock? Are voters fed up?

Greg in FL -- from Daily Kos
I'm in for $25.00 more. I've been caught rather flat-footed by Clint's campaign. I was astonded by the Zogby poll results. FL-24 is majority Republican (52% I believe,) so Clint needs all Dems plus a high percentage of Indies plus a low turnout of Repubs. So, until the poll came out, I really didn't believe that Clint had a serious chance, despite Feeney's inept campaign. I've got the Curtis yard sign out, I've already contributed before, and been chatting Clint up with the neighbors. I intend to do some visibility before Nov 7. And I live just about a hundred yards from Tom Feeney in Oviedo. Hope, not fear!

Lifelong Republican, retired NYPD Detective Marie Spagnuolo (ret.) now living in Florida watched Curtis' WFTV News 9 3-minute video and came away impressed. "Sounds Like He's Got a Lot on the Ball."

You can have your say as well, by volunteering or donating!

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News from the Campaign

Movie review of Truth in the Booth - 11/01/06 Joan Brunwasser, Voting Integrity Editor, OpEdNews.com. "We must get back into the practice of participatory democracy, even as we may need to begin reinventing it."

Rumor Mill - Media Coverage of Young's Corruption Seriously Lacking 10/27/06 Read it on the Net!

Crawford, TX Lonestar Iconoclast 10/22/06 Bush's hometown. Nathan Diebenow interviews Clint Curtis. It's not nice to diss a whistleblower. In fact, it's against the law. Sarbanes-Oxley. Feeney is a very big opponent of that law.

10/23/06 The Zogby Poll continues to creep around the internet. Clint Curtis 43% to Feeney 45%. This looks very good for Clint! Team Curtis surveys show us ahead by 10 points.

Clint Curtis on WFTV Channel 9 commercial - Watch on the Net! [2:49 min.]

Fear-Mongering Feeney on WFTV Channel 9 commercial - Watch on the Net! [2:47 min.]

Clint Curtis interview on WFTV Channel 9 - Watch on the Net! Notice how Feeney is edited into Clint's time. [2:43 min.] [Partial Transcript.]

Feeney interview on WFTV Channel 9 - Watch on the Net! Notice that Feeney's setting/wardrobe matches the edit in Clint's interview above [1:08 min.]. Includes Feeney's fast footwork regarding Foley ethics and what he knew. [2:30 min.] [Partial Transcript.]

Stealing America Vote By Vote (documentary) - By Emmy award-winning, Oscar nominated filmmaker, Dorothy Fadiman. Her unfinished work is on tour, as she is, to get the word out about election fraud and disenfranchisement. [Approx 1 hr.]

Bradblog Video Exclusive!: E-Vote Documentary Eternal Vigilance [8 min.]

Bradblog Interviews Clint Curtis on YouTube - Watch on the Net! [4:55 min.]

No Recount = Fascism - Rock-n-Roll YouTube! Clint Curtis sound-bites are everywhere! Watch Video on the Net! [1:31 min.]

Sheri Myers Cartoon Check out Sheri's home page, because we've all been Cheated! Sheri's submission to our editorial cartoon campaign.

Where is broadcast media? Media Blocking the Reformist Message of Congressional Candidates, article by Stephen Crockett on www.OpEdNews.com .

On the Record with Jerry Pippin - Clint Curtis: A True American Hero! 10/12/06
Stream on the Net!

Feeney receives a D+ Congressional Rating - Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America Action Fund The IA VA are a great group of non-partisan Iraqi and Afghan Vets!

Open Secrets: (last update) 10/27/06 Total Raised and Spent; Top Metro Areas; Top Zip Codes; In-State vs. Out-of-State; Top Contributors; Sector Totals.

International Update:
Let's try to keep track: The UK, Australia, Italy, Mexico, Myanmar... Pinky and the Brain are at work here!

Italy - Enrico Deaglio from Diario Della Settimana Milano Italy came to speak to Clint because an Italian election was allegedly stolen with Accenture machines. Mr. Deaglio wanted to see how it could have happened. Accenture has a plant in Italy and the parent company is here in sunny Florida. The person running the campaign of the conservative who won...Karl Rove! We are exporting our Democracy one corrupt voting machine at a time. [More about Enrico!...] [Still more about Italy!...]

REFORM NEWS: Restoring Fair Elections and American Democracy

CNN.com article: 11/01/06 Federal Observers and Monitors Heading to the Polls.

HBO to Premiere Hacking Democracy 11/02/06

Jeb Bush in denial about election problems in Florida early voting. 11/01/06 Blogged by John Gideon.

Problems in Florida Early Voting! 10/28/06 - Glitches cited in early voting. Miami Herald.

YOUTUBE Diebold Hack Demonstration from Princeton:
http://w ww.youtube .com/watch?v=lw WP-N1HqT0

A Note from Clint

I still believe that doing the right thing is more important than making money; that personal sacrifice and fear take second place to the safety and well-being of others; and that love of country is more important than personal considerations. All honest citizens should be concerned about corrupt politicians like Tom Feeney.

Your contribution will help me in our fight to take back America!

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When he gets into office, Clint is prepared to take a lie-detector if ever the public demands!

Sincerely, Clint Curtis

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