Like a little kid who cannot bear to face up to the possibility that his abusive father is to blame for making his life miserable, many Americans are also unable to face the fact that the Bush bureaucracy is a total disaster and so they are vehemently blaming someone else for this abuse -- someone who has not been in a position of power for almost five years.
Too bad that the rest of the world isn't blaming Clinton too.
All of Latin America is really really really really angry at us for sending U.S. warships to hover threateningly off the coast of Venezuela.
In North America -- from Canada to the USA to Mexico to Guatemala -- George Bush's opinion poll ratings are sinking daily. And last month over 300,000 really really really really angry U.S. citizens completely surrounded the White House in order to express their very low opinion of him. That's scary.
There are far too many people in the United States who actually believe -- based on strong evidence -- that 9-11 was an inside job and that things were deliberately allowed to go too far in New Orleans in order to give the Bush bureaucracy an excuse to use occupation troops on American soil. After observing the Bush bureaucracy's track record since the Florida 2000 election theft, Americans are beginning to suspect that the ultimate goal of the Bush League is to re-create the Baghdad model of governance here in America -- with luxuries, bottomless bank accounts, bullet-proof bunkers and five-star hotels inside their "Green Zones" and martial law, misery, poverty, fear and exploitation for the rest of us bothersome "insurgents".
When the Bushies took charge of New Orleans and Baghdad, they followed the same pattern, clearly demonstrating what their concept of good government is -- to set up a catastrophic situation and then get down and dirty: Withdraw humanitarian aid to the point where looting is inevitable, get out the tanks, get everyone under martial law, have their media dehumanize the victims and then -- most important of all -- start sending billions of dollars off to their cronies as soon as humanly possible. And I am beginning to suspect that the initial testing ground for this concept may have been New York City.
No wonder Americans are angry!
Then there's Africa. What was Bush THINKING when he promised a whole bunch of countries there a whole bunch of money to help fight their AIDS epidemic and then delivered absolutely nothing -- except of course to send help to the baby-killing Janjaweed in the oil-rich Sudan area. Did that make him popular in Africa? Not.
Even the average Australian thinks that America is in the hands of crazy bullies with no sense of moral self-control.
19 out of every 20 human beings on this planet actually believe that the Bush bureaucrats are murderous extortionists.
Only the residents of the continent of Antarctica are not TOTALLY PISSED OFF at the greed and ineptitude of the Bush bureaucracy.
Is the Bush League's American fan club at all worried that this intense world-wide hostility -- unprecedented in history except by the antagonism shown to Nazi Germany in the 1940s -- is going to bring down our economy and place America in grave danger? Not at all. Bush fans just blame all this horrible mess on Bill Clinton.
And I have the e-mails to prove it.